b'theyvebeenself-sustaining. Brownsays,TheconfidenceThe Fur Salonthat we have from the support from our families [has] been su- Custom & Ready Madeper, super helpful. StorageThe women appreciate thatCleaningtheir business has developed atGlazingthe right pace, perhaps by ser- Alterationsendipity. Browns says, It usu-allyturnsout[that]welltalk Cold storageaboutsomethingonedayor oneweek,andthennomoreThank you for supporting our business.than a week later it kind of just15 VILLAGE PLAZA, SOUTH ORANGE | 973-763-2283falls into our lap. Soon after they participated inthepop-upshopatEthels Club, Amy Hughes of Maple-woodMercantile,acollective of women-owned-and-operatedCOUNT ON OUR EXPERIENCEbusinesses, took notice and in- Let Us Be Yourvited them to set up space at her Haynie holds a monstera deliciosa, otherwisestore for a weekend. It provedTrusted Accounting Serviceknown as a swiss cheese plant, valued for itsleaf fenestrations. sosuccessfulthatdeVINE PlanteryhasjoinedtheMerc given them the flexibility they neededforapresenceeveryweekend,With more than 35 years of 35+tostartthebusiness,andthattheirenabling them to offer a larger selec- expertise, HNQT provides a fullyearsfamily and friends have enabled it totionofplantsandpotsandin-storearray of accounting services with serving your flourish, surpassing their expectations.pickup. They also get to connect witha personal touch. We specialize in: accountingBut it isnt without risk or trepidation.theircustomersinpersonandchatneedsAlthough Haynies parents were onabout plant care.accounting payroll taxesboard from the start, Brown recalls herReflecting on their few months ofbookkeeping and writeIRS and state taxfatherproddinghertofocusonherentrepreneurship, Brown says, Whenup services audits career rather than on a new business.we started this, every day Id be like,income tax planningestate, gift and trust When they were building the green- This is crazy. Im scaredbut Id beand preparation returnshouse,though,hewasbytheirsidesmiling while Im doing it.(authorized IRS e-filepersonal financialhelping them put it together. Appar- Ellen Donker looks forward to expand- provider) planningently, their passion fueled his supporting her already ridiculous plant collec- compilations, reviewsnon-profit accountingand it certainly helps that financiallytion with the help of deVINE Plantery. and audits of financialeldercarestatements full complement of budgetingother individualized services140 Mountain AvenueSuite 201Springfield, NJ07081Phone:732-499-0707hnqtcpas.comBrown and Haynie enjoy having space at Maplewood Mercantile were they can art-fully display their plants and introduce shoppers to ones that are currently trending.feature story /23'