b'start. To that end, the new proposalput in plastic. As one expert puts it, from the towns will divide the contract.we need a return to the 70s or 80s, They will pay one price for hauling andwhen packaging was not so disposable processing the recyclables but they willand people routinely took glass soda also receive any income those recycla- bottles back to the store to be cleaned blesgenerate.Currently,onlyMaple- and refilled. woods contract has this requirement.Haskinagrees.Themostimpor-South Orange is paid nothing for thetant thing is we have this entire effort recyclables that are hauled away. in source reduction. In other words, Butitscomplicated.Parlapianowe need to use less.would like to expend more energy onHe talks about water. If you use a collectingandsortingglass,forex- reusable container and get water from ample. Glass that goes into the singlethe tap, You dont have to have a con- Whats Important to You?stream is often broken down by theversation about what to do with those timeitreachestherecyclingfacility,plastic water bottles. Istarteveryclientrelationshipwithadiscussionaboutwhatis and,accordingtoParlapiano,unus- Itstartswithourdecision-mak- important to you.It is your path, based on your goals and needs.able.Hethinksitcaneasilybecol- ing, Haskin adds. And maybe thats lected and sold. the biggest ask of all.Lets talk about how to get there.But the experts say glass is heavyTia Swanson is embarrassed to acknowl-andexpensivetotransportandtheedge that she has engaged in wishcycling. market for it is not that strong, con- She pledges to do better. For the last two sidering so many things that used toyears her resolution has been not to buy be packaged in glass bottles are nowdrinks in plastic bottles. Its difficult. Gary T. JonesFinancial Advisor (973) 821-49001611 Spring\x1feld Ave.Suite 1 Maplewood, N J 07040 g.jones@edwardjones.comWe keep you smiling!Everyeffortismadeto ensuretheutmostcomfort for each patient.Enjoy a modern professional environmentandacaring staff.As a former faculty member of Fairleigh Dickinson Dental School, Dr. Wisz now devotes all her time to private practice.Wendy Wisz, DMDGeneral, Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry250 Millburn Avenue | Millburn973-467-0077Saturdays and Evenings AvailableOn site parking | Convenient locationfeature story /31'