feature story / 35 ThreeWaystoMakeaDifference Host a fundraiser for or donate to MEND Invest in MEND's 19-member food pantry network and help in- crease access to more fresh and healthy food in underserved com- munities throughout Essex County Become a MEND ambassador Like and share MEND's social media posts. Let your networks know about the work they are doing. Reach out to local business- es, schools, and other organizations to increase awareness about MEND. Share your time and talents MEND can use your help in a number of ways. Volunteer to help with graphic design, writing, or accounting. You may also consider helping at food pantry distributions or host a healthy food drive. MendNJ.org info@mendnj.org than a program; it’s a family.” The organization draws on experts and partnerships to enhance its effec- tiveness. For guidance on which foods would best suit its goals, it teamed up for the past two years with the NJ Volunteers sort and pack supplies des- tined for one of the 19 food pantries and shelters aided by MEND. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Peacock says, “For this year, we are also partnering with students from Montclair State University on a ser- vice learning project to help expand our nutrition programming even fur- ther.” The Junior League of Short Hills raised the funds needed to alter and equip the bus. And over 50 volunteers help make it all happen, some working regularly, others coming on board for special projects. If you would like to find out more or volunteer, call Peacock at 862-250- 5216, or go to mendnj.org. Elaine Durbach is a Maplewood resident, and a journalist, author and editor. Part of MEND's mission is to help clients with health issues have access to the fresh foods they need, like these fruits and vegetables. River Clean Up May 4. South Orange River Day is May 5. The Strollers community theater will conclude its season with Fiddler on the Roof at The Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts in Maplewood on the weekends of May 3 - 18 at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sundays. For details, call 973- 761-8453 or visit thestrollers.org. Youngchildrenandtheirparentsare invited to a fun morning of hands-on activities led by Far Brook School fac- ulty on Saturday, May 4 at 9:30 a.m., 52 Great Hills Road in Short Hills. For more information and to RSVP, visit farbrook.org/workshops. Residents looking to share their time and talent are invited to the second SOMA Two Towns for All Ages Community Volunteer Fair. Dozens of local community organi- zations will talk about how to help with their efforts to make our towns great places to live on Sunday, March 31 from 2 - 4 p.m. in the SOPAC loft. Community organizations that would like to participate should con- tact Cathy Rowe at 973-558-0863 or SOMA2towns@gmail.com. If you have a student with disabilities in Kindergarten through College, attend our free program to understand your legal rights: Saturday, March 30 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Coffee and snacks will be served. Call 609-558-0031 to reserve space. RALPH GERSTEIN, ATTORNEY 515 Valley Street Annex Suite 1 Maplewood 609-558-0031 rgerstein@comcast.net FREE PROGRAM ON LEGAL RIGHTS OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Parents and anyone else interested in this field of law are welcome to attend. BASS FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 491B Valley Street, Maplewood • 973-378-BASS (2277) • www.BassFamilyChiro.com DR. WAYNE BASS Treatment and Rehabilitation for Headaches • Neck Pain • Back Pain Sports/Gym-Related Injuries Disc Problems • Pinched Nerves Auto Injuries • Pregnancy-Related Aches MostInsurancePlansAccepted