b'at large. And thats wherewesteppedA HAPPIER, in and filled a gap.Some of the Un- HEALTHIER, biasedScienceIn-stitute collaboratorsSMARTER includetheNewplace to learn.YorkCommittee forOccupational SafetyandHealth,Spring Break Camp | Summer CampLearning center for kids ages 3-14theVirginiaDe-partment of Health, TEDHealthand@thevillageelectricImmunize Nevada.Statepublic healthofficialsbe-cameinterestedin Podcasters and content creators Andrea Love and Jessicawhatweweredo-Steier. Dr. Steier is Bill Gallos former doctoral student at CUNY. ingandaskedusCOUNT ON OUR EXPERIENCEto help them alongLet Us Be Youroid epidemic to GMOs, fad diets andwith that process. says Gallo. It really supplements.opened up a niche opportunity for usTrusted Accounting ServiceWelaunchedthepodcastprettyto use our communications capabili-quickly. The feedback told us that weties to simplify and help people make had a lot of great information, but lis- better decisions to look at the emerg- With more than 35 years of 35+teners were only hearing from us onceing evidence. expertise, HNQT provides a fullyearsa week or once every two weeks, saysGallo views his current work as aarray of accounting services with serving your Gallo. We saw that there was a neednatural outgrowth of his 20 years ina personal touch. We specialize in: accountingto translate science to evidence-basedacademics and research. It was a com- needsdecision making for the layperson, be- bination of the things that I like to doaccounting payroll taxesyond the pandemic.best: to teach, write, and investigate.bookkeeping and writeIRS and state taxThe institute created a robust socialI always wanted to be a writer and aup services audits mediapresencefocusingoneduca- scientist, he says. Ten years at Yaleincome tax planningestate, gift and trust tion, applied training and communityfor a kid from Hoboken is professionaland preparation returnsengagement. USIs use of infographicsnirvana. (authorized IRS e-filepersonal financialbreak[s]downcomplexhealthandTheHobokennativemovedwithprovider) planningscienceissuesintodigestible,visu- his wife, Sandra Tomlinson, to Maple-ally appealing stories, which can eas- woodmorethan15yearsago.Wecompilations, reviewsnon-profit accountingily be shared, explains the institute.have two incredibly wonderful daugh- and audits of financialeldercareUSI supplies the messaging which isters.SandraandImovedherewithstatements full complement of disseminated into useful communica- them because we wanted a safe placebudgetingother individualized tions for STEM education, nonprofitwith a little patch of green behind theservicesorganizations and public health events. house. His daughters are Sofija, 25, Thewholepublichealthsystemand Laila, 22. His niece Ilze Abersone wasintroduced during the acute stageofthe pandemic,but theydalways been there hum-mingalongin thebackground. Itincludesalot ofemergency preparedness,140 Mountain AvenueSuite 201saysGallo.TheSpringfield, NJ07081limitingfactorPhone:732-499-0707has been how tohnqtcpas.comcommunicate withthepublicBill Gallo with his wife, Sandra (L), and daughters Laila and Sofija.feature story /25'