b"Holding up a MirrorCommunity TV channel celebrates the South Orange and Maplewood communitiesBY ELAINE DURBACHDustin Dumas, SOMAtv's station manager, during its participation in the Maker Madness event earlier this year.I n a community as close-knit as South Orangespread word about the stations lineup. production facilities of Columbia High School. and andMaplewood,therearentmanysecrets,Dumas herself does a show called Dustins Kalei- Its a symbiotic relationshipbut one that favors butSOMAtvcouldbeone.The24-hour- doscope, which features interviews with all kinds ofthestudents,whoproducetheirownshows a-day broadcasting service, which started ininnovators, personalities and celebrities. Larry Petro- video segments. The adult side gets bumped if the late 1995, offers a window onto local govern- carro does twoBooks in Action, exploring all anglesschool has special events or theres any kind of emer-ment, news about sports and special events,of literacy, and Education Roundtable. Heather Swiftgency. Because security is a priority, we can only go and a magazine-style array of interviews withhosts Career Corner, which helps people find profes- in when it works for the school, Dumas explains.experts and cultural leaders. (See box for channelssional fulfillment. Mike Sobel brings viewers Nostal- When the district is closed, like during holidays, and social media links). gia Alley, celebrating the links between present andand spring and summer vacations, we cannot use the And yet few people are aware of its existence. past. Ethan T. Berlin offers a family program calledbuilding, so a big part of my job is to keep viewers No one knows the actual stats. Station managerSOMA Show and Tell. Dr. Ernest Rogers and Jimengaged when we have breaks and also to encourage Dustin Dumas, an entrepreneur with Silicon Val- Horton together explore topics relating to pet care. our volunteers and producers to return each season. ley experience and an MBA in finance, admits thatThe operation is undeniably small-scale. WorkingSocial media and a conspicuous presence at events they havent yet come up with a way of measuringwonders in minimal time, the broadcasters do theiraround the two towns, she adds, are important com-their viewership. But she knows that the SOMAtvinterviews and put together their shows in two two- ponentsinmaintainingpublicawarenessandthe audience is way smaller than she would like it tohour windows, 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thurs- stations continuity.be. Thats why she has been on a campaign lately todays, utilizing the only time available to them in theAsked about some of her shows highlights, Du-36/ matters magazine / holiday 2019"