b"They used to pay to have the inductees stay at a hotel. I mean, they really did it up right. The ceremonies stand out as well. Petrallia describes Max Wein-bergsinduction.Irememberwhen he came in, he got the whole jazz band on stage. Supporting the individual & creative growth The student council encourages the of each child within a Jewish setting inductees to share their memories and REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR PRESCHOOL. Call for a tour. knowledge with current students to in-Toddler TimePreschoolExtended DaySummer Camp spire them as they think about going Please contact Carol Paster, Director, at the Preschool Office out on their own. Edelman says, They 973-763-4600cpaster@tstinj.orgallcomethroughintermsofgivingIbtihaj Muhammad greets students and www.tsti.org432 Scotland Road, South Orange speeches that inspire, and I think theyencourages them to work hard.really touch a segment of the popula-bonafide touch tion of our students. What you wantand education. She was clear that there them to say[is] follow your dream do this, do that, dont give up and you, too,are no shortcuts to success.therapeutic massage can achieve. Thats really the message. Havingretiredfromtheselection This year, in Muhammads remarks,committee, Petrallia continues to cu-MASSAGE THERAPYis benecial to everyone, includingshe recalled sitting in the Hall of FameratetheHallofFamearchives(and,Teens & Tweens.Massage Therapy helps: assembly as a student. She said, I wasindeed, all of the CHS archives). SheEncourages Relaxation,Improves Posturethat kid who saw myself on stage. I wasstill can hardly contain her excitementCalm Anxiety & Academic Stress like, yeah, thats going to be me. Evenattendingasaguestandsays,TheRelieve Sore Muscles associatedwith Student Athletes with her confidence, she struggled tokids are sitting in front of them [the Add massage to your child's health care routine. fit innot many were wearing the hi- inductees] in the same school, walking Alternative Medicine is the Original Medicine jabbut she spotted a fencing prac- the same hall, sitting in the same class-Jina McGriff155 Kilburn Place, SO201.303.0645www.bonadetouch.com tice in the CHS cafeteria through theroom.car window when she was 12 years old and decided it was a sport she wanted topursue.Sheencouragedstudents to work hard, be persistent and have faith in Gods plan.Butler also reflected on her quest to fit in and poked fun at her attempts trying soccer, softball, track and cheer-leading. Finally, she decided to focus on what she knew she could dopaint and drawand went on to pursue art CHS teachers Monica Soliman and Phil McCormick welcome Ibtihaj Muhammad to the Hall of Fame induction ceremony.McCormick adds, Its a great day for staff to be reminded that they play apartininspiringstudentstoreach theirpotential.Andstudentsrealize thatpeoplewhohavecomethrough thehallsofColumbiabeforethem have made a path and they can follow in their footsteps. Ellen Donker enjoyed learning about the Quilting artist Bisa Butler poked fun atmany talented CHS graduates and looks her attempts to fit in until she decided toforward to seeing contributions from the focus on what she knew she was good at. next generation of students.14/ matters magazine / school 2019"