b'WHEN BUYING, OR SELLING A HOME,WHO YOU CHOOSE MATTERSCHOOSE STACIE LEVY!Whether its finding your next home,or deciding to sell your current one, it all begins with selecting the right person tolisten, and understand your desires, guide you through the process, and be your#1 advocate.Let me, with my 10 years experience,be that person for you. Together we willwork towards achieving your goals.Myron Clark, driver from Maplecrest Moves Charities, Sabrina Foxe, head custodianCALL ME TODAY at South Mountain School, teachers Debbie Wright and Serena Watkinson and Ellie Lesperance fill a truck to take donations to a local nonprofit. AT 917-686-3821Aashasmom,RoshniPatel,sayscludingextendingTeamWsannual Team Ws efforts made her daughtershoe drive to involve all kindergartenStacie Levy more aware and appreciative of whatstudents in collecting and sorting the917-686-3821 is going on in the world. She essen- shoes.SLevyRealtor@gmail.com tiallylivesinabubble,wheresshesTeamWteachesthekindergart- 181 Maplewood Avenue fed, clothed and can do anything shenerstosort,pair,count,graph,andMaplewood NJ 07040wants,Patelexplains.Shethinkstallytheshoes.Theygetsoexcitedeach office independently owned and operatedtwice now before asking for a new pairwatching our numbers grow closer to of shoes or clothing or not eating herour goal, Wright explains. It ties in food, when she knows that some chil- beautifully with our math curriculum dren dont have any food to eat. and the kids love it. They are always Patelco-chairstheSouthMoun- beaming with pride when we wrap up tain Cares program, a committee onan event and they realize what a dif- FALL2019the Parent Teachers Association meantference they were able to make in theREGISTERto provide meaningful service oppor- lives of those less fortunate.tunities for students and their familiesAssociate license counselor Annette throughouttheyear.TheprogramCalderin, part of the Leadership TeamNOW!spearheads many outreach efforts, in- at St. Joseph Social Service Center, sees firsthand the difference these kids make. She distributes the collected shoes to in-dividuals and families who visit the Sole Shoe Mission in Elizabeth. When a person feels the comfort of a better shoe compared to the one they may be wearing for a long period of time they are so grateful, Calderin says. AccordingtoWright,inthefirst year of the shoe drive, Team W collect-edapproximately400pairsofshoes of every size, shape, style and season. Our numbers have grown each yearPhotocredit:BobKrasnerandourformerstudents/families stockpile shoes in their basements allCHOOSEFROMOVER150year eagerly awaiting our shoe drive,PERSONALENRICHMENTCLASSES!Khloe Lee, Noah Goldberg, and Hazel Ra- Wrightsays.Thisyearwecollectedsomadultschool.org dom sort shoes. This year, 2,279 pairs were collected in two weeks and were distrib- 2,279 pairs of shoes in just two weeks.973.378.7620uted to the Sole Shoe Mission. Its really incredible.feature story /31'