b"have continued to lean into play. Kids are out-side for at least an hour a day. Enrichment class-es are free-wheeling af-fairs, focused on doing, not listening.Director Hicks thinks the pendulum is swing-ingbacktothatphi-Mary Auth, who died earlier this year, pictured withlosophy.Thispastyear,Register now for our 2024-2025 season!her granddaughter Allie. Mary sent her daughter,Hicksinvitedinternet Jessie, to MMPS the year it opened, and Jessie fol- sensation and play advo-lowed suit years later by sending Allie. Both Mary and Jessie were able to be helping parents on Allie's 4thcate Kristen Peterson forS !n tbirthday. a day of professional de- ig cA , ,evelopment. Dcandaughter, Allie, to preschool at Mor- It was like having a rock star, row. I loved that as a parent I got tosays Hicks. It is what we are already be so involved, she said. She and herdoing, but it puts you on a high.late mother, Mary, served as helpingThe day reinforced that Morrow parents on Allies 4 thbirthday. is on the right track, she says. Pre- We offer: Dance Combo, Hip Hop Totz, KidsMostofMorrowsparentsstillschoolkidsshouldbeexploring.on Broadway, Ballet, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap,find out about the school by word ofThey should be able to choose thingsMusical Theater, Hip Hop, Acting, Voicemouth. At the start of this century,for themselves. lessons, and more!there were parents who camped outRecallingherfree-wheelingwwwto be first in line when registrationchildhood, when her parents wouldww w.ccclllaaassssssaaaccctttpppaaasss.cccooommm w wwopened. Eventually there was a lot- open the door and she would leave(973) 789-0191tery for placement. One former par- for the day to build snow forts, make128 Irvington Ave, South Orange, NJ 07079ent remembers calling from the hos- up games, and patrol the neighbor-pital to try to get on the list. hood, she says, Thats the kind of Now free, public preschool is anplay were trying to get kids back to.option for many parents. There areShe adds, Were hoping to keep also many schools that do not use theMorrow going as long as we can. co-op model. Other schools lean intoTia Swanson sent all four of her chil-academics because the public schoolsdren to Morrow. She is forever grateful continue to make students read andfor the advice given her by Barbara Ill-write at an earlier age. In response,ingworth, the best being that birthdays Morrow has lengthened its day andshould be celebrated with one guest for added enrichment classes. But theyevery year marked. Illingworth with her class of 3-year-olds in 2009. These students graduated from high school this year.feature story /27"