b"relatives,Gagnefictionalized flashbacksoftheirearlyyears, usingcleverbridgessuchas, IfMomhadtoldmeabout hergrandparentsfromScot- BRIGHTENING LIVESland,ifIhadmoreinfothan whatIdfoundonWikipediaEVERY CLIENTand an outdated website about the Colthart clan, then Id knowEVERY HOMEwhy they left their homeland.EVERY TIMEHe says, I kind of took what I didnt know and just built sto- CAMILLE ESTRELLAGagne's twin brothers, Robert and David, with ariesaroundthem.BecauseICell: 973-932-5637 nurse at Monson Developmental Center. wish I had known those storiescamilleestrellahomes@kw.com about them, [I] wish they hadbshproperties.comselfwithfriends,appliedhimselftotalked to me about what their child- I school, loved sports, and used art ashoods were like, or what their parentswake up every single day motivated to change lives because I his creative outlet. But no two familieswere like more. I mean, I had little bitsbelieve every person deserves a home. Putting clients needs are ever alike. And for Gagne, his fam- and pieces, but I just took what I couldand wants first is my highest priority. ily had a burden rarely talked about,and tried to get to know them betterIf you are looking to buy, sell, invest or improve your credit so and known only by a few in their com- by filling in the blanks and making ityou can jump into the real estate game, call me today. munity.upjust so I could feel closer to themWishing you a bright holiday seasonHisoldestsiblings,twinbroth- in some way. as you spend time with friends and family.ers, were afflicted by an undiagnosedGagne also wrote alternate begin-conditionaffectingtheirmuscularningsandendingstothebookasa andneurologi-caldevelopment thatrendered themblindand181 Maplewood Avenue,Maplewood, NJ 07040deaf. In 1963, at 16monthsold, whenitbecame increasinglydif-ficulttocarefor RobertandDa-vid, Gagnes par-entsBoband CindymadeKen Gagne's family in 1971. Cheryl is on the left of him and thegut-wrench- Linda to the right. He and his siblings were born after his twin ingdecisiontobrothers went to a state-run institution for care.movethemto anearbystate-runinstitution.Theyway to imagine how his parents story went on to have three more children,might have been different if the twins Cheryl, Linda and Ken, representing ahadnt been sent away or if they hadWhats Important to You?chance, Gagne felt, for his parents tobeen born healthy. He says, I wanted have a normal family.to kind of put myself in [my parents]Istarteveryclientrelationshipwithadiscussionaboutwhatis Still, there was a sadness that Gagneshoeswhether it happened or not. important to you.It is your path, based on your goals and needs.and his sisters sensed. I grew up withWhat Gagne knew was that his fa-my parents kind of holding everythingther had some darkness from his child- Lets talk about how to get there.back. He adds, You know, I mean,hoodheoncementionedthathis theywerelovingparents,buttheyownmotherhadthrownhimdown nevertalkedaboutthepastbecausethe stairsand he covered it up by be-of what happened to them. Part ofing a troublemaker, leading to his ex- Gary T. Joneshim felt as though he and his sisterspulsion from several schools. He neverFinancial Advisor (973) 821-4900were born to fill the vacuum left by hisgraduated from high school. Gagnes brothers. He tried his best always to befathercarriedthatbravadointohis the good son so his parents wouldntadultlife,unabletofacehisdisap-be disappointed by him. pointments and hurt, whether it was To fill out his parents backgroundsabout his sons, the loss of his business,1611 Spring\x1feld Ave.Suite 1 Maplewood, N J 07040 g.jones@edwardjones.comwhen he couldnt get details from hisor a lawsuit that bankrupted him. In-feature story /15"