b'edit room for like, 12 hours. I wouldnt move. Id sit in a chair, and Id just get it all done."Toeducatehimselfonwritinga book, Gagne listened to dozens of pod-casts and read websites on the subject. TheCannaBossLady curates luxury, small batch, 3rd partyHe also talked to other authors. His tested CBD products for womxn (men, too) who are focusingfriend, Dan Barry, a reporter, colum-on their wellness with a plant-based holistic approach.nist and author, challenged Gagne to tell his story, knowing from their bas-ketball games that Gagne is, first and foremost, a competitor.Whenitcametimetoeditthe book, Gagne turned to his friend, Will Allison,anauthorandeditor,who Gagne\'s school picture in 1973. He grew up in Chicopee, MA. playsonGagnessoftballteam,the AgingBulls.Heprovidedinvaluable stead, he drank heavily, closing himselfassistance so Gagne could finally self-off emotionally to his wife and gettingpublish the memoir that he had started through life as a functioning alcoholic.six years before.YetGagnecaptureshimassomeoneThe book has given Gagne the op-Visit us who was always present, always cheer- portunity to reconnect with his home inghimonandconvincinghimhetown. He says, One of the best things at our shop on 9 Highland Place, Maplewood Village, could do anything.that came out of writing this book is or online so we can educate and empower you to make He says, Im proud of him. Nowthe overwhelming response from Chi-knowledgeable choices when selecting CBD products. looking back for how he handled ev- copee, and from Western Mass, and all erything and how he raised his kids.my friends there and the people who 9 HIGHLAND PLACEMAPLEWOOD You know, he didnt unload his bag- didnt really know us as well as they THECANNABOSSLADY.COM@THECANNABOSSLADY(located next to Perch Home) gage on us. He just raised us like thethought they knew us and the family.wayhewishedhehadbeenraised.Although he has several ideas in his Gagnesmother,ontheotherhand,head for future books, Gagne is cur-had a softer approach, most likely duerentlywritingaworkoffictionthat to the loving family that raised her. Heis loosely based on his softball team, says, My mother had way better toolsplacing them in a senior softball tour-to deal with it than he did.nament in Las Vegas. He says, Its like ComfortAfterhighschool,Gagnegradu- Almost Famous meets Bad News Bears ated from UMass Amherst with a de- meets Wizard of Oz meets The Hang-gree in sports management. When heover.&was hired by the NBA, he felt like heYoureGonnaMissMeSomedayis was welcomed into a new family whereavailable on Amazon.com. everyone had a nickname, said I loveJoy youandhuggedeachotheroften. Gagnethrivedinthatenvironment. He says, I think I was always wanting to express myself so much more, and I just wasnt in a family that did that. And so once I got to Jersey and I met my NBA guys and all my friends here, I could be myself.Gagnecreditshisyearsofvideo S EMI F I N A L I S T production at the NBA with making Pretty good fashion & gifts. him comfortable telling storiesboth Free delivery in MAPSO in words and imageand its probably those skills that have made his transi-tion to full-time writing successful. A semifinalist.com visualthinker,hesays,Ijustwrite what I see in my head. His NBA ca-reer also helped him hone disciplineGagne has a second book in the works for his craft. He says, As an editor atthat is loosely based on his softball team, placing them in a senior softball tourna-work, I would just throw myself in thement in Las Vegas. 16/ matters magazine / holiday 2021'