b'final mattersAn UncommonHoliday TraditionSome might call it ingeniousBY RICK GILMANW hen I was 12 years old, my stepmom entrusted mestoodhowmuchmyfamilystradi- Christmas tree? When I was about 12, with the job of watering our Christmas tree. Littletions meant to me. That first year, sheI got the answer. You water a Christ-did I know then how unusual her method was. surprised me in my tiny studio apart- mas tree with an enema bag, of course, Let me explain. Growing up a nice Jewish boymentinBrooklynHeights,withanor at least you did in my home. in Brookline, Massachusetts, I never even knewarrangement of white birch branchesI have a lot of wonderful memories Christmastreesneededtobewatered.Ineverbedecked with ornaments, tinsel andfrom those times with my family and I celebrated Christmas, believed in Santa Claus orsprigs of pine needles and cones. Butsuppose thats what building traditions went Christmas carolingthat is, until my parents were divorced, when I wasshealsoaddedasmallmenorah,onare all about. I wish the same for my about six years old, and my dad remarried. which we lit the candles during Hanu- son: a lifetime of memories, both the My new stepmom, Glo (or Gloria, which she would sing every holidaykah. delightful and the curious. party from the rafters), was Protestant but although she converted to JudaismAfter our son was born, also a De- Rick Gilman, a longtime South Orange for my dad, she still enjoyed some of her childhood traditions such as sing- cember baby, we made sure he knewresident and CIO of the new company, ing carols, making snow angels, having a Christmas tree and exchanging gifts.andunderstoodourfamilysspecialKidcaboo, is a kid at heart who still looks We werent a hugely religious family, but when I was with them, we would gotraditions,theimportanceofgettingforward to December every year. to Friday night services and Glo would light the candles before dinner, and Itogether with family and friends, and would chime in on the prayers. We would often discuss, around the table, thatbeing grateful for all we had.evenings sermon by the rabbi or challenging questions of an 8-year-old such asNowisa why we bow our heads when praying instead of looking to the heavens wheregreat time to re-God lives.memberthose It was obvious what I loved most about this time of year; I was born ontraditionsaswe December 3 rd , Hanukah always fell sometime around then, and Glo exposedalltrytoreturn my brothers and me to the Christmassy activities that were never meant asto a normal life. anything but funfamily times with wonderful memories: decorating a tree,The holidays this waking up to a stuffed stocking hung by the fire and all that great food. Foryear will test our me, especially, all three events came with presents, so December was an entireresolve and what month of opening gifts. What kid wouldnt love this time of year? werewillingto Tradition in my family was hosting a Christmas Eve party and decoratingsacrificetobe the tree. Our home would be filled with friends, music, singing and eggnog,withourloved where the price of admission was one new or handmade ornament.ones.Formy As I grew up, my tree decorating responsibilities increased. First, I was onlyfamilyandme, allowed to adorn the tree with a few ornaments, individually unwrapped anditsnotasacri-handed to me. Then, one year, I was adding the tinsel, one strand at a time (nofice, its a joy to clumping on the Gilman tree), testing the lights and helping to set up the treetake simple steps stand to make sure the tree didnt fall (not something we had success with everytokeepthem year). safe and near. My best friend, Barry, got first-hand experience on the inner work-For me, the holidays always consisted of Christmas and Hanukah, so whenSo,howdoings of an enema bag/Christmas tree interface. Barry stands, my wife and I first started dating and spent the holidays together, she under- youwateraholding the bag, while Im on the floor with the business end pointing down into the stand, filling it with water. 54/ matters magazine / holiday 2021'