b'method, where a group of boys of dif-ferent ages and experience levels workEspecially now, it is important to thank togethertomasternewskills,withthose who are doing so much for us.older Scouts teaching younger ones.The Patrol method has a number of steps each Scout must work through.TO ALL THE Within a year or two, Scouts becomenurses doctorsDen Chiefs helping local Cub Scouthealth care workers packs,saysBrauchli.Afterayear, theyworktobecomeWarrantOffi- EMTs police firefightersTroop 5, shown here in 2012, has main-cers in our Troop 5 Leadership Coun- tained a healthy roster of Scouts over theessential workerscil.Thenextstepisgettingelectedyears. as Patrol Leader. Patrol Leaders planTHANKmeetings,activities,andthemonth- licizing and organizing a Sabin polioYOU ly camping trips. And each year onevaccine clinic. Recent projects include Troop 5 Scout is elected and serves asrefurbishing the garden and trail at the Senior Patrol Leader, who works withDeHart Senior Center, soliciting do-the 50-plus members of Troop 5 andnationsforandrepairingmorethanCity to SuburbsBuyingSellingRelocations First Time Buyersthe adult leaders to plan the year. 100 used bikes for children in need,Susan Blodgett, ABR As you might expect, this leader- and renovating the band room, musicBroker / Sales Associateship training positions Troop 5 Scoutsroom and photography room at Co- 973-214-4636 for success in college and beyond. Bylumbia High School. One of the mostSusan.Blodgett@cbmoves.comthe time these young men leave highremarkableEagleprojectscompletedGinny Spiegel school, they have six to seven years ofbyanEaglecandidatetookplaceinSales Associateleadership training under their belts.1976.ThisScouttaughtayear-long973-219-8865 Says Brauchli, Theyve been teachingcourse to help 15 immigrants (includ- Virginia.Spiegel@cbmoves.comone-on-one, in small groups and largeing his parents) pass the naturalization145 Maplewood Avenue,Maplewood, NJ@WeKnowNJRealEstate groups. They teach kids younger thantest and become U.S. citizens.973-378-8300they are and work with adult leadersEven when Troop 5 isnt workingSERVICEKNOWLEDGEEXPERTISE and committee members.on Eagle projects, they are out in the Many of the teaching opportunitiescommunity helping. You can see them include community service. Troop 5 hasmarching in the Maplewood Memori-completed countless hours serving oural Day Parade, carrying the enormous parks,churches,synagogues,schools,American flag. Troop 5 Scouts manage and public spaces. In fact, over the years,the ducks in the annual Duck Race, Troop 5s Eagle projects tally up to moreoperate an iconic concession stand at than 25,000 hours of service. theFourthofJulycelebration,and Eagle projects run the gamut. Oneunload Christmas trees for the Rotary of the earlier projects focused on pub- Club sale each year. Right now, TroopRENEWED. REVISED. RE-OPENED!!Now scheduling patients!Troop 5 marches in the Memorial Day parade, carrying a very large American flag.feature story /11'