6 / matters magazine / school 2017 contents Matters in every issue Heart of the Matter 8 a bus ride to nowhere Local Matters 9 around the towns What’s New Review 10 our newest business Shopping Matters 24 essentials Food Matters 42 satisfy your craving Resource Guide 43 local sources Final Matters 46 preparing to leave Vol. 27 Issue 5 School 2017 The Magazine of Maplewood and South Orange, since 1990, featuring Local People, Places and Things that Matter. in this issue 12 The Principal’s in the House seth boyden’s principal frye meets kindergartners on their own turf 16 More than Oprah’s Book Club from maplewood to seattle, go on girl! embraces authors of the african diaspora 20 Love and Soap two moms make suds, and a future for their sons 26 Sweet Rewards charlotte mccourt tops the nation in girl scout cookie sales and scores a trip to the founder’s childhood home 30 The ABCs of School Lunch how to pack easy, healthy meals that your kids will eat 32 Agent of Change the columbia high school scholarship fund continues to transform the future 36 Smart Start our guide to early and private education, music, art and enrichment options Students from Tuscan School’s Summer Art Camp each painted/ dyed an umbrella. They installed their umbrel- las in a public space, transforming the um- brella and that space and making a powerful collaborative state- ment about individuality within community. Photo credit: Tuscan Art Camp M A G A Z I N E 26 12 20 16 24