b"was committed, he said, Im gonnadragyouthrough kickingandscreamingall the way. She adds, He gave metheconfidenceandthe couragetodothisjob.He had faith in me more than I had for myself.AndthatshowSim-monds became a train opera-tor. For five years now shes beendrivingsubwaytrains eryminute.Well,mostofTHfor the MTA. She loves ev- T HIISSIISSHHOOMMEEthe time. Spending about 75 percentofhertimeunder-ground, Simmonds has got-ten used to the early hours, the manual labor, and being just about the only woman Simmonds' mother (L) encouraged her to try out aonaworkcrew.Butshell career in transit but it was her Aunt Peggy (R) who got her to take the test. never get used to the rats.Susan Blodgett, ABRLuke Blodgett Ginny Spiegel She recalls the first timeBroker / Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associateshe had to lay up a train 973-214-4636860-942-2207973-219-8865 Susan.BlodgettLuke.BlodgettVirginia.Spiegel newappealedtoSimmonds.Herpark it in a yardand walk out with@cbmoves.com@cbrealty.com @cbmoves.commotherthoughtitmadesense,too,rats scurrying underfoot. The thought saying, Youll never know unless youof having them pursue her and pos- SERVICE KNOWLEDGE EXPERTISE give it a chance. So Simmonds did,sibly crawl up her legs, paralyzed her. and started training for a transit job.She knew she couldnt run; there were145 Maplewood Ave |Maplewood, NJ | 973-378-8300Itwasnteasy,though.Shewenttoo many hazards, including the third from a job wearing nice clothes withrail.Afterwhatseemedaverylong very little physical activity to one thatpause, she realized that if she wanted required a uniform and heavy lifting,to get home, she had no other choice pushing and pulling. She says, It wasbut to summon the courage to lookDISCOVERa struggle for a year, from banking [to]straight ahead and walk out. WHAT GREAT nothavinganyideahowtohandleSimmonds started out driving theMINDS CAN DO.heavy equipment. It was like night andcommutersubwaytrains,meaning day in my mind.that she was the person in the front Simmonds says her supervisor no- of the train getting it from point A to ticed her difficulties but as long as shepoint B. But now she drives the work Graduate Now more than ever, New Jerseys Open Houseschools need inspired leaders.Earn a graduate degree atThursday SETON HALL in educationalOctober 20 studies, education leadership,6 p.m. professional psychologyor counseling.www.shu.edu/EdGradSimmonds started out driving the commuter subway trains.feature story /15"