b"remembersattending an early class and beingFor Your Plumbing & Heating Needsstartledasshelooked around.MostoftheCALL TORO TO THE RESCUE!CALL TORO TO THE RESCUE!faceswerewhiteand male. I just rememberSteam Heating Specialistssitting in class thinking,NOW BOOKING!Theres no diversity inPre-Season Boiler Start-Upsperspective. Maintenance and UpgradesThePartnerTrackComplete System Evaluationsiseminentlyreadable, and a bit of a love sto-ry. The heroine is suc- 973-672-1000cessfulandacclimated toAmericanlife;she is not Amy Tan, Wan sayswithalaugh, drawingadistinctionRobert is betweenherwriting and that of another au-Arden Cho plays Wan's protagonist, Ingrid Yun, in thethor who writes aboutan Absolutethe disconnect between immigrant parents and Netflix series, Partner Track.moved fromtheir children.Gem.But for all its smarts and plot twists, it also is a political book, strewn continued to work. Shehere and there with palpable anger and the big corporate law firm to one thatnot-so-subtle images of the racism and specialized in media law and from theresexism that permeate corporate Amer-becamein-housecounselatTime/ ica; the heroine may be something of a As first-time Warner. Finally, in 2013, more than areluctant warrior for the cause, but she decade after she had begun scribblingis a warrior nonetheless.the bookhome buyers, notes as therapy, her novel The PartnerinAsked if she consideredthathe listened Track was published.these terms, Wan is adamant And all along that long and wind- she did. I dont mind taking that onto our needs, ing road, Wan had redefined herself. because that was part of my purpose It wasnt that I hated being a lawyerin writing.It was to give voice to thatproviding us or anything like that she confesses. Iperspective.just knew that wasnt my passion. After the novel was published, Wanguidance and At Amherst, Wan had been anEnglishmajorwholovedinsight everyworkingwithwords.Butlike manyfirst-generationAmeri- step of the waycans, she felt she ought to seek aprofessionalpost.Medicine- Dani & Isabeland engineering were out; her loveofwordshelpedheron the LSAT and so, high score in hand, she opted for law school. Tosavemoney,shewentin-state to the University of Vir-ginia. (She grew up in North-ern Virginia. Her parents, who emigrated from Taiwan in the early 60s, both worked for the federal government.)She got an inkling of another kindattheUniversityofVir- Netflix featured Partner Track on their huge digi-ginia: She was a minority. Shetal billboard located in Times Square.feature story /19"