b"Circle gatherings were held in Bascio's back yard.confidentiality is honored completely.When my group began, on a cool evening at Bascios home, it was clear from the outset that the duo were ex-periencedfacilitators.Theyquickly tapped into the nervous energy in the room as they allowed each person the spacetoexplainherpresenceinthe circle. As guiders they gently moved us forward,withoutevermakingthem-selves the focus of the conversation. It was hard work, but Palazzo and Bascio carefully tended to the issues that were raised in response to their thoughtfuldont wait,prompts, and we began examining howbuy tickets today!our real lives measured up to the lives The stones were in the center of theweimaginedforourselves.Asgroup group's circle. Participants lit the candlemember Deb Colon says, Joining this to state their intention for that gatheringgroup was a great decision. I went into and picked up a stone to speak. thegroupthinkingitwouldjustbe women chatting. Boy, was I wrong! The Adds Bascio, We can help participantsway Rebecca and Tammy interact andDarlingsiDetocustomizetheirownexperience.wEd, NOv 9 at 7:30PMAsking the right questions is the key toTickets: $28-$38uncorking the answers for others. Bothwomenseethemselvesas intuitive,knowinghowtolistenfor growthopportunityandreflectingit back to the group members. They feelbla flecKan eveninGpaula colevalerieGiants of it is important to meet people where& abiGailwith JiM& sophie b.siMpsonJazz 23 they are and see the circle as a con- washburn Messina hawKins andhonorinG tainerkeepingtheconversationonwEd, tHU, NOv 3tHU, friends rufus reidOCt 26 at 7:30PM NOv 10 Sing Ashford Produced bytrack with the stated intention. Pala- at 7:30PM Tickets: $39-$62at 7:30PM & Simpson John LeeTickets: $49-$84 Tickets: $38-$49 FRI, NOv 11Sat, NOv 19 zzo sees their role as protectors of theat 8PM at 8PMspace. Bascio adds, One of the mostTickets: $58-$88 Tickets: $55-$65critical elements of beginning groups SOPaCnow.org(973) 313-2787 to do this work is starting with a light-er touch, allowing people to get to aThis board was created during a session. It reflects participants thoughts as theysouth orange PerforMing arts Center place where they feel safe and whererespond to prompts.one soPaC Way, south orange, nJ 07079feature story /39"