b'Emma Laperreques Flourless Walnut Brownies A delicious treatwith just six ingredients!BY OLIVIA MACK MCCOOLI f you dont work in the foodised, there really are only six ingredi-space, you may not be awareents (and thats including salt!) and that our community is chockthe results looked mouth-watering. full of people who do. SinceShortlyafter,afellowlocalmom I moved my family here lasttold me this was her favorite recipe year,ithasbeenmarvelousout of the book, and I was sold. to make a professional con- During a particularly busy day, I nection and then realize, Oh wow!got out my six ingredients, toasted Were neighbors.the walnuts as instructed, assembled Emma Laperreque lives in Ma- the brownies and popped them in plewood too, and is a senior editorthe oven. What came out was some-at Bon Appetit. Her book Big Littlething quite heavenly: fudgy, warm Recipes is a collection of recipes with(and gluten free!) brownies in a Ma-minimal ingredients but a big im- plewood-mom minute. pact. As a recipe developer myself, ILaperreques book is available for can confirm that it requires skill andpurchase in bookstores, such as our a strong understanding of ingredi- beloved Words on Maplewood Av-ents to pare them down like that.enue, and online. One flip through the book and youRecipedeveloper,cookbookauthor, can quickly see the genius in howfoodstylistandmomOliviaMack she maximizes the potential of eachMcCoollivesinMaplewood.For ingredient to bring you no-fuss reci- more of her work and recipes, check pes that still delight the palate.out her website oliviamackmccool.com For this issue I chose her Flourlessand follow along on Instagram @olivi-WalnutBrownies,whichjumpedamackmccool. outrightaway,because,asprom-46/ matters magazine / fall 2022'