b'YOUR Familys Safety is Important to Us.Leave the Job inOur Hands.Scheduled MaintenanceTune-UpsCheck BrakesCheck Suspension & AlignmentCheck TiresNOW Doing NJ State Inspections!The pub is decorated with the original art deco murals, beautifully restored by local artist, Heather Pallotta from Studio-18. We stay on top of the latest technology in servicing and repairing your vehicle.AtOrangeLawn,familiesareat the heart of everything we do, says Pe-ters. We are a social club with tennis and racquet sports at its core. At Or- Serving the Maplewood Area since 1987ange Lawn, busy families can embrace a healthy, fun and relaxing lifestyle, aForeign and Domestic Cars - Complete Servicechance to enjoy time with their loved2058 Millburn Avenueones. Our many activities from Moth- MaplewoodThe Living Room is decorated with a ers Day brunch at our world-class res-collection of tennis greats and moments. taurant to a healthy, competitive tennis(973) 762-9788some of the most picturesque and re- match,toreconnectingwithfriends nowned spots in American tennis his- and family at our pool, offer memoriesYOUR LOCAL CPA FIRMtory, stay relevant in modern times in- and friendships lasting a lifetime.stead of just sitting on a hill as a relic? Schonbraun and his team enthusi-To answer that question, clubhouseastically embrace the fact that this club managerStefaniePeters,theclubshas been around for almost 140 years membershipandmarketingdirector,and yet is now focused on attracting takes me on a detailed tour, showingthenextgeneration.WalkingintoSecure Actme all the ways Orange Lawn is rede- the clubhouse on a recent afternoon, fining not only itself but the role ofIm greeted by a large framed plaque social clubs and tennis matches in this digital age.Therenovationsbeganjustafew yearsago.In2018,BruceSchon-braunwasaskedtoreviveOrange Lawn. Hes a real estate developer whoHAVE QUESTIONS?grew up in Jersey City, playing tennis against a chain link net at the publicWe can help.courts. Schonbraun and his ownership team took on this revitalization proj-ectnotjustbecausehelovestennis,Call us today to set up a though: He also believes that Ameri- complimentary consultation for cans are making a concerted effort to spend more time with their families.all your tax and accounting needs.Nelson Couto, CPA, CFP and Anthony DeFranco, CPA, To that end, he started by revampingCFP, MS (Taxation)Partners; Couto DeFranco, P.A. the courts and making a large outdoor playing space for children. There areCOUTO DEFRANCO, P.A.now tennis camps for kids, a growingCERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & ADVISORSyoung athletes training program, andOffices in South Orange & West Orangeasocialcalendarfulloffamilybar- The Garden Room is a private room for up to 16 guests. 973.378.3300coutodefranco.combeques and parties.feature story /17'