b'son audition.KaraLindsay,whowas starringasGlindaatthe time,neededastandby.It wasjustthebreakMason had dreamt of since middle school. After 16 months of hanging out backstage, I was hired as the lead Glinda for thenationaltour,Mason says. On April 9, 2019, after a year on the national tour circuit, she assumed the role of Glinda on Broadway.Bynow,thecouplewas livinginWestOrangeso Masonshusbandcouldbe closer to the aviation school he was attending in Morris-town. She came upon a house nearFloodsHillthatcalledMason starred this year in A Carol for Two, her name. A true fixer upperpart of Hallmark Channels 15th annual Count-andpracticallyghost-likeindown to Christmas.appearance, the couple bought theirOne Mourns the Wicked, the crowd foreverhomeinSouthOrange.Inwentwild.Comingbacktothat November 2019, after a massive gutplace was like home, says Mason. renovation, they finally moved in. To raise awareness of Broadways Monthslater,whenCovidhit,revival,Masonandherfellowcast Broadwayshutdown.FacedwithmembersappearedonTheTonight uncertainty, Mason and her friendsShow Starring Jimmy Fallon and per-startedDoubleNameWitches,aformed in the Macys Thanksgiving virtualmusictheaterschool.ThisDay Parade. Standing in the freezing wassuchaspecialwaytoconnectcold, Mason watched as the Radio with young artists, says Mason. TheCity Rockettes performed their eye-school stretched all of us creativelyhigh leg kick in perfect unison. I tofindwaystotellstoriesinthehad seen the Rockettes growing up. Zoom room. The community con- I worshiped them. Theyre amazing, tinues to be incredibly tight knit. Itsays Mason.made me feel like I was part of some- In a pinch-me moment a month Your Local Source Forthing bigger than myself.months,later, she was asked to send in a tape Afteraverylong18for Hallmark Channels A Holiday HOLIDAY + Broadwayreopened.OnSeptem- Spectacular.Beforesheknewit, ber 14, 2021, when Mason sang theMasonwasfilmingthe2022spe-TEACHER GIFTS show-stopping opening number Nocial, starring as the lead and dancing BUSY? SHOP 24/7 wordsbookstore.com179 Maplewood Avenue|Maplewood, NJ 07040 |973.763.9500 In 2022, Mason starred as the lead in Hallmark Channels A Holiday Spectacular, dancing alongside The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall.14/ matters magazine / holiday 2024'