b'only the kindergarten-erssquealinginthe wetlandsbuttheclass 1 2 of3-year-oldshang-ing out on small play-groundequipmentin the courtyard, a group of7 th and8 th grad-ersperfectingBachin the music room, and a group rehearsing a play based on the works of Toni Morrison.3 It all feels familiar to Wiley who, throughout his adult life, has made periodicpilgrimages backtothisspot.He hasownedavineyard 4 in California for many yearsandalsospentThe illustrated Brad in a page of the book that has decades in New Jersey,been handed out at events and is for sale on Far 5 working in the family- Brooks website.ownedbusiness,Wileypublishing.casionallyincludesstoriestoldby Wherever he has been he has comealumni. back to Far Brook to honor the placeSergent realized Far Brooks 75 ththat made him who he is. anniversarywastheperfectoppor-It gave him everything, he says.tunitytogatherthesestoriesthat Thefocuswasoneducatingtheare totally relevant to the school and wholechild,notjusttheskillsinmake a tribute. The book has been reading, writing, arithmetic, but alsohandedoutateventsduringthe personalbehaviorandattitudeto- last year and remains for sale on the 6 ward the community.schools website.HeremembersthefirstschoolWiley, ever anxious to avoid be-director telling him It doesnt makeing the center of attention, says the any difference if you lose. The im- precise journey Sergent and Olaza-portant thing is teamwork and beinggasti tell in the book never happened 7 a good sport.and deflects his being the hero of the He didnt buy it. She shrugged offstory. I was not the leader. It really his competitiveness. was the teaching staff.She also shrugged off his sugges- Doaksversionisamyth,he tion, years later, to sell the propertysays,beforequicklyadding,and and move farther west, where theymyths have a value of their own.might get more land. Especially when they are about a 6 Im really glad [she ignored me],boy and a brook from far away and 8 he says now. That was bad advice. long ago. Instead,thelittleschoolhasTiaSwansongrewupinnorthwest-becomemoreingrainedinEssexern Pennsylvania, where small streams County. It is home now to a wideralso are named after their relation to range of students, thanks to a grow- something else. Her brothers fished the ing endowment and a commitmentFourMile,socalledbecauseitwas 1. Wooden block tray on wheels comes with colorful blocks perfect for budding build- to tuition assistance. And every sum- four miles from the confluence of the ers, $75, Toy Division, 94 Baker Street, Maplewood, toydivisionshop.com, 908-936-23952. Treat yourself to a pet portrait session with photographer Julia Maloof Ver- mer it opens its doors to lots of theSouth and West Branches of the Tio-derosa, packages start at $250, juliamaloofverderosa.com3. Louise Misha reversibleareaschildrenthroughitssummernestaCreek.The Tionestaflowsinto quilted patchwork jacket, $415, City W Life+Style Supply Co, 92 Baker Street, Maple-wood, shopcityw.com, 862-243-31604. Oval rattan basket with handles perfect forand sports camps.theAlleghenyRiver,whichjoinsthe kindling or throws, $149, Inside Home, 101 Baker Street, Maplewood, insidehomenj.com, 614-312-25545. Fresh bouquet and arrangement subscriptions add color to aSergent first heard Wileys memo- Ohio in Pittsburgh, flowing west until space. Pickup or local delivery weekly, biweekly, or monthly, from $40, Brave Floral, 87 Baker Street, Maplewood, bravefloral.com, 973-761-00266. Tiny Whales Goldenries about walking to the far brook atit empties into the Mississippi. All of Era sweatshirt MOD Studio, $54, 7 Highland Place, Maplewood, shop-modstudio.com,morning meeting, the whole schoolthose bodies of water are, thankfully, 973-913-46557. With Select Squeeze beverage enhancer, youll feel like you had a glass of wine with no alcohol or hangover. $38, CannaBoss Lady Dispensary, 9 High- gathering that starts the day and oc- still with us.land Place Suite #1, Maplewood, thecannabosslady.com, 973-609-9435 8. Christmas wreath trio pocket pillow, $150, Perch Home, 89 Baker Street, Maplewood, perchhome.30 / matters magazine / holiday 2024com, 973-821-4852'