b'Sip, Sculpt,and SocializeThese third spaces make SOMA feel like homeBY ADRIANNA DONATL-R: Students at Indigo Road Studio Pottery; delectable treats at The Able Baker; the patio at Perch Home & Co.A ncient Greece had the ag- Third spaces are where community is built. and1940s kitchen vibe, offers amazing coffee and tea ora.RomehadaForum.Our area is chock full of third spaces that giveoptions, and has delicious staples like scones and In Europe, there were cof- SOMA the flavor and texture we all love. Here arebanana bread complemented by daily and seasonal feehouses.Thesewerealljust a few that make SOMA well, SOMA: specials. Even the gluten-free offerings are mouth-placesthatwerentwherewateringly delicious.youlived(firstspaces)orTHE ABLE BAKER Whether you stay and sit for a while or grab and worked(secondspaces).TheAbleBaker(theablebaker.com)hasnowgo, you get a little slice of SOMA, says Pauly, who Third spaces are the spots people in a communitybeen in business for 15 years but feels like its al-can have a conversation or just be around othersways been a central part of the Maplewood and have fun. If youre lucky, you have your ownSouthOrangecommunities.Itshardtofinda third space where you look forward to relaxingresident who doesnt go there regularly. with friends and neighbors. But if not, we haveThe bakery is a ready-made third space. There recommendations for you. is an outside space as well where customers can sit SouthOrangeandMaplewoodhavevibrantand socialize. People will even bundle up in Janu-community spaces for us to gather, chat, and ex- ary to sit there with friends. change ideas. These third spaces may seem inci- SaysMaplewoodresidentSterlingBland, dental, but they are important to the fabric of ourWorking from home means I can be focused and community.AccordingtosociologistRayOld- productive.Butthatproductivitycomesatthe enburg in his 1989 book The Great Good Place,price of isolation. Going to Able Baker gives me a these spaces are informal, with light-hearted at- chance to see friendly, familiar faces.mospheres and dont emphasize social status. TheyIn2011,JuliePaulyopenedthebrick-and-have a certain number of people who are regularsmortar bakery at 187 Maplewood Avenue in what and conversation is easy to come by.used to be Silvios Hair Salon. It has a comfortableJulie and Thomas Pauly of The Able Baker.34/ matters magazine / holiday 2024'