b'Beyondtheoutlettoletloose, Rourk says hes also very grateful forBuy tickets thefriendshipshesmadeatthese parties. At a party earlier this year,today!I met a group of fabulous West Or-ange supermoms. We stay in touch and see each other between parties. Rourkwelcomestheinclusive communal beat that All My FriendsHOLIDAYdropsregularly.Hesaysinclusion is at the heart of every dance par- STOMPty. Identifying as a gay black man, Rourk adds, not once have I felt un- With The Hot Sardines comfortable. Rourk first found out about the group by word of mouthFRI, DEC 6 AT 8PMand began following the business on social media. Its Instagram account @allmyfriends_somacapturesthe party patrons in their element in can-did black-and-white photos taken by local photographer Lisa Whiteman.These dance parties are such a joyful Rourk says his first visit to the danceescape. Every single time, I have soMANDY VALERIE SIMPSON NEFESHparty was spurred on by the huntmuch fun shimmying under the discoGONZALEZ & FRIENDS MOUNTAINball on the dance floor, says Maple- Home for the HolidaysSing Ashford & Simpson The Love & Light Tourfor all things fun in the area. wood resident AJ Rourk. SUN, DEC 8 SAT, DEC 14 SUN, DEC 15InclusivenessextendsitselfintoAT 7:30PM AT 8PM AT 7:30PMAll My Friends offerings. The com- aboutwhatpeoplethink?DanceSOPACnow.org(973) 313-2787 pany also helps plan turn-key eventswith abandon! such as epic birthdays, karaoke par- VanessaVera,arevelerfromSOUTH ORANGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ties,itinerariesforgirlstrips,im- Rutherford, said she had not heardONE SOPAC WAY, SOUTH ORANGE, NJ 07079mersive experiences and even com- ofthesegatheringsuntilafriend panygrandopenings.Itsfootprintwanted to celebrate her 35 thbirthday recently expanded to a dance partyat the dance party at Porta. This isJoin Us for Your Next Mealin Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., last spring andexciting. We no longer have to go DJing a wedding in Philadelphia. out all the way in the city, or Hobo- BreakfastLunchDinnerAt a recent dance party in Mont- ken, or Jersey City to have a great clair, Jon glanced at the guest list andnight out.pointed out that people are not onlyElizabeth says the startup is see- Monday is Kids Night!fromMaplewood,SouthOrangeing so much success because its a1 Free Kids Meal per Adult Entreeand Montclair but also Rutherford,business,notahobby.Thegroup(excludes holidays and school closings)Glen Ridge, Verona, Morris Plains,holdsregularmeetings,withanSandwichesSalads Bur gersShort Hills, Frank- SeafoodKids Menulin Lakes and JerseyWe welcome BYOBCity.Hours DINE IN SouthOrangeMon - Sat:7 - 9 PM DELIVERY resident (and fellowSun:7 AM - 8 PM TAKE OUTparent)RituPan-choly says she loves AllMyFriends andthepartiesit throws.Danc-inglateatnightWishing Youreminds me of myHappy Holidays youth,longbefore IwasencumberedMaplewood resident Melissa Renny and South OrangeFrom Our Spot to Yoursresident Ritu Pacholy attend a recent AMF party in Mont-withlaundry,car- clair. Photo by Allison Weiss. The Ramos Familypoolandtween angst. Its good for the soul to dressorganizationalstructure,abrandFollow us @TheSpotDiner.NJup sometimes and escape. And nowstrategy, evolving business plan and165 Maplewood Avenue|Maplewood| thespotdiner.comthatImolder,whogivesacrapa strong eye and ear toward the cus-feature story /17'