b'What sets us apartW eekdayofferschildrenanengaging,rigorous, excitinghands-oneducationalexperience. Oursupportiveandcompassionatevibehas attractedthemostincrediblegroupofkids,manyof whom wouldnt feel as secure in a larger school. It is my greatest point of professional pride that we are a safe space for the sensitive kids, the anxious kids, the trans andnon-binarykids,theartsykids,thesupersmart SAMANTHA GRAB kids, the outside-the-box kids, the wonderful, creative, free-spiritedkids!AtWeekdayallchildrencanFULLY Weekday School be themselvesthey are accepted and celebrated for 111 Irvington Avenue, South Orange exactly who they are.862-438-5223 | wkdschool.orgGrades served: Pre-K - grade 5What sets us apartF ar Brook School provides an inspiring environment wherelearningisajoyfuladventure.Fromour youngest 3-year-olds to the eighth grade big kids, thestudentexperienceextendsfarbeyondtradition-al textbooks and classrooms. As the oldest progressive school in the area, Far Brooks approach is centered on experience, grounded in nature, focused on social justice, and immersed in the arts. Our small, intentionally diverse community gives children the support and freedom to takerisks,embracedifferences,andpracticeempathyAMY ZIEBARTHand kindness. Our inspiring team of educators is pas- Far Brook Schoolsionate about their progressive approach to teaching and52 Great Hills Road, Short Hillsbelieves in nurturing a love for learning and creating an973-379-3442 | farbrook.orgenvironment that truly embodies school as it should be. Ages served: age 3 - grade 8What sets us apartC hildren of all ages need freedom to flourishthe freedomtoreallyplay,explore,andlearnabout the world in the ways that are most interesting and productive for them. We support their learning by putting within their reach as much of the world and its materials, resources, skills, and people as we can. But we also protect their freedom to use those materials in their own way and at their own pace. The result is happier, BEN ASHFIELD healthier, smarter places to learn. The Village Electric Learning Center We are currently opening a program for teens in SOMA.300 Central Avenue, Mountainside917-204-4638 | thevillageelectric.comAges served: 4 - 18head of school /21'