b'food mattersGet Raw withAsparagusThis salad says springtimeWORDS AND PHOTOS BY ILYSSE RIMALOVSKIT hefirsttimeyour own perfect moment. Market begins June 3 on Mondays from 2 to 7 I saw aspara- The key, ideally, is to find some early local asparagus at the peak of its spring-gusgrow- timeness, most likely at one of our nearby farmers markets. The Summit Farmers ing,theMarket begins its season on April 28, Sundays from 8 a.m.to 1 p.m.farmer deftlyThe Maplewood Farmers snappedap.m., and the South Orange Farmers Market begins June 5 on Wednesdays from stalkand2 to 7 p.m.handed it to me, encour- When choosing a bunch of agingmetotakeabite.asparagus, whether the vari-Itwasatransformativeety is bright green or tinged moment.Toexperiencewith purple, look for the fol-itstenderness,sweetnesslowing characteristics:and earthiness was to tasteSpears are vibrantly col-springtime itself. ored, firm, uniform and Imagine the setting ascrisp, not wilting or limpwell. It was a misty mid- Tipsaretightlyclosed day in April in Lambert- andcompact,without ville,NJ,atanorganicsigns of floweringfarm overlooking the Del- Stems are smooth and free of shriveling or damageaware River. A few otherThe aroma should be clean, fresh and earthyguestsandItouredtheTo maximize the enjoyment and presentation of eating raw asparagus, cut-groundsandwerethenting it on the bias, also known as slicing diagonally, serves many purposes. Trans-escorted up a hill to theforming spears into uniform, elongated slices increases surface area, allowing side of a rustic barn whereflavors from marinades and dressings to be better absorbed, elevating the flavor lunch was waiting. profile of the recipe overall. The texture becomes more pleasing as well. Each bite Iwishyouwerewithremains slightly crunchy without being tough. Removing the fibrous portion of me.Thewoodenpicnicthe woody end, in addition to peeling away any tough outer layers, ensures that table was set with fine china painted brightly with toucans. Artisanal lettucesevery inch of the spear is not just edible but perfect.just picked were dressed with walnut vinegar brewed on the premises. The as- As we cook together, you will find suggestions to personalize each recipe to paragus was there, too, along with freshly baked breads, cheeses, ramp butter,your own tastes and whims. You may change up your asparagus salad with fresh cured sliced meats and an array of berries and wine. Then it started to rain everpeas, your favorite cheese, nuts or whichever vinegar happens to be in your cabi-so lightly but loudly enough to hear the drops gently pinging on the corrugatednet. And if youre incomplete without meat, Ive made provisions for you, too. metal roof above. We sat and ate in awe of it all. Ilysse Rimalovski is a well-seasoned home chef, host and content developer living in Recreating that experience has been elusive, as time, place, people and weath- Maplewood. Among her many creative pursuits, she loves to teach how to cook with er were key ingredients along with the food itself. But I keep trying. freedom, flair and confidence. Have food questions or need inspiration? Visit Ilysses If you have never eaten your asparagus raw or think you prefer it stir-fried orfree Food Matters Zoom Room on Fridays from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Email forilysse@baked under a blanket of cheese, I dare you to make this salad recipe and createicloud.com for further details.32/ matters magazine / spring 2024'