b'Springtime Raw Asparagus SaladServes 4 Ingredients: 1 bunch farm-fresh asparagus, sliced thinly on the bias 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons vinegar (such as sherry, rice or white wine) 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon honey Salt and pepper to taste Sprinkling of toasted pi- All of the ingredients are gathered and gnoli nuts, crushed hazel- prepped before being tossed together for a nuts or raw pistachio halves delicious salad. Shaved or crumbled cheese of choice (parmesan, pecorino, feta, goat or gorgonzola)Variations: Add a bunch of fresh green peas, thinly sliced sugar snap pea pods, or snow peas Add a handful of raw enoki mushrooms Garnish with cooked, crumbled crispy panc-etta, bacon, or prosciuttoInstructions:1.With a sharp knife, trim off the woody aspara- PAINTING & CARPENTR\x18gus ends (usually one to two inches). Using aFULLY INSURED LIC: 13VH12858300vegetable peeler, remove any tough outer skin(973) 951-0606that remains. Starting from the bottom of the stalk, slice the tender spears on the bias (atPeeling away anyexterior Painting - interior Painting - carpentrytough layers ensures an angle) to create -inch pieces, leaving thethat every bite is asparagus tips whole. pleasingly tender andGeneral Repairs - Sidin\x1d - \x0eillwork - \x06loorscrunchy.2.In a bowl, toss the asparagus slicesWindows - \x04oors - Gutters - \x04ecks - Railin\x1ds - \x06enceswith the mint, nuts (and if youKitchens - \x02athroo"s - \x02ase"ents - Atticschoose, the peas and/or mush-rooms.) TO TO3.Whisk together the lemon juice,GO TO SAVEWE\x02SITEolive oil, vinegar, mustard andCONTACT honey. Salt and pepper to taste. 1980 SPRING\x06IE\x0c\x04 AVE S\x15ITE 9A, \x0eAP\x0cEWOO\x04 N 070404.Pour the dressing over the aspara- free estimatesgus and mix gently but thoroughly. Add cheese on top (and crumbled meat if you choose).Before AfterThis salad is garnished with toasted pignolis and shavings of parmesan. www.xhrishomeimprovements.com info@xhrismail.comfood matters /33'