b'to free upisthenumberofstudentshiredby fundingIBM who were low performers in mid-sothatdleschool,heexplains.Theywere e v e r ytold they could never graduate from s c h o o lcollege.Theycouldntimaginethey districtwould not only complete a college de-willbegree but also be earning a competitive abletosalary at a Fortune 500 company in a Co-author Stanley S. Litowofferthehigh-growthcareerbeforetheywere was integral in develop- P-TECHout of their teens. ing the P-TECH schools program. o p t i o nAs for opening a P-TECH school in tostu- every high school, Kelley is 100 percentPAINTINGdents.Atpresent,P-TECHschoolsbehind that. I would also be happy, are funded through a combination ofin the meantime, as an interim step, to stateandfederalrevenues,withthehave one in every district, she says.majority coming from local school dis- BreakingBarriersispublishedby tricts. States typically supplement thisTeachersCollegePressandisdue withfederalfundingforcareerandfor release on June 25. Maplewoods technical schools through the Carl D.WordsBookstorewillbehostingan Perkins Act, as well as with other stateonline-onlyeventwithKelleyand planning grants that tend to target dis- co-author Litow on Tuesday, June 29. advantaged areas.Please visit wordsbookstore.com to pur- InteriorExteriorButtheprincipalatthefirstP- chase the book and/or register for the TECHschoolinBrooklyn,RashidJune 29 event. Davis, believes that every high schoolMalia Rulon Herman is an education shouldbeaP-TECHschool.Werewriter based in Maplewood. She believes talking about the experiences and op- in the need for schools like P-TECH and portunitiesthatcanchangegenera- would be thrilled if one opened here in tions, he writes in the books afterword. time for her elementary-age children to One of my favorite statistics hereenter the lottery to attend. Rocha Painting and Home Repair862-220-9059 Maplewood Residentcharlesrocha62@gmail.com NJ #13VHO9296100FB :Rocha Painting and Home Repair IG:rocha_painting_home_repairLet Us Make Your Home Beautiful!BathroomsKitchensFloorsPaintingWood Window Repairs - CarpentryFUR DESIGN & STORAGEThe Fur SalonCustom & Ready MadeStorageCleaningGlazingAlterations Cold storageWishing you and your family good health15 VILLAGE PLAZA, SOUTH ORANGE | 973-763-228332/ matters magazine / summer 2021'