b'A Pied Piperfor our TimesEveryone can sing. (Yes, even you.)Just ask Tim Welch.BY SARA COURTNEYTim Welch started his vocal studio in Maplewood and has since expanded to seven locations.MaplewoodresidentBrianSaberisonesuch adulthobbyist.Saber,whois58yearsoldand spent his life in the nonprofit world, was used to public speaking. But singing? Not so much. I had no background, he explains. I never sang in el-ementary school. I never sang in a musical. I never sang in a religious service or anything. I didnt sing in the shower, in the carnothing. It wasnt un-til four years ago, when Saber was looking to make some changes in his life, that he considered taking up singing lessons because it would be outside his T hough it might strike the average per- ages and abilities. In our program at the moment, wecomfort zone. Saber, whose son was already taking lessons with the studio, spoke with Welch about his hesitant interest. Four years later, Saber is still study-sonaswishfulthinking,orperhapshave 6-year-olds all the way up to 85-year-olds.ing with Welch for an hour and a half each week.just politeness, Tim Welch, who wentThestudiosdi- Saber calls Welchs approach refreshing. What to college to become a doctor beforeversecommunityofI love about Tim is that it starts and stops with the catching the music bug and switchingstudentshasawidelove for singing and brings an enjoyment and pas-frommedicinetoopera,insiststhatrangeofgoals,butsionits about joy. Hes not like some teachers who everyone has potential. Welchs studio,Welchhasnoticedare going to browbeat you into just doing scales and which encourages studentsfrom professional toaparticulardemo- scales and scales.noviceis proof of the effectiveness of his blend ofgraphic that is drawnSouth Orange resident Carla Barry-Austin, who vocal instruction and therapy: Everybody can sing,to it. The part of ushas been studying at the studio for almost a year, al-he declares. Thats a big part of why I am super pas- thatsgrowingtheways loved singing, but it wasnt until after the birth sionateaboutsinging.Everysinglepersoninthefastestaretheadultof her second child that she considered taking les-world can get better at singing and can enjoy singinghobbyists,hesays,sons for herself. Feeling that she had a creative side and have it be a part of their life. estimatingthat65that was not being nourished, she found that singing The Tim Welch Vocal Studio, which started in Ma- to 70 percent of hiswas an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. It was like plewood for those seeking voice lessons, has had suchbusinessismadeupsomething awakened in me, and I was very happy to tremendous success that Welch has expanded to sevenof adults seeking les- have this mentorship, she says. The school and all Brian Saber had no back-locations, with his most recent studio opening in Jer- sons for personal ful- ground in singing before heof the teachers are amazingly supportive.sey City. Welch and his voice instructors work with allfillment. started lessons at the studio. Welch has a theory on why many of his students 22/ matters magazine / winter 2021'