b"Find a Workout Buddy Observe your Child's BreathingKeep yourself accountable to your fitness regime byHumans are designed to be nose breathers and when getting a friend to be your workout buddy. Schedulingchildren don't, it can lead to problems with facial your workouts will help keep you on track, whether they'reand palate development, respiratory problems, even virtual or in-person. With consistency comes results,behavioral issues. Later in life, mouth breathing can cause making your body and mind feel better and, ultimately,dry mouth, sleep apnea, anxiety, and fatigue. Our practice motivating you to keep going! Let us help you stay on track.can help determine if your child is breathing correctly and We have in-studio, outdoor, and virtual duet sessions. offer a plan of action. CHAISEFITNESS MUENCH FAMILY DENTALFELIX AARTS & CLAUDIA AARTS SCHREIBER DR. KEVIN MUENCH178 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE, MAPLEWOOD140 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE, MAPLEWOOD973-996-2063 | CHAISEFITNESS.COM/NJ 973-763-2221 | MUENCHDENTAL.COMAppreciating the Small StepsOur brains are wired to focus on the negative, to look where something is amiss. It's the modern-day equivalent of our primitive brains being ready for danger. When we focus on our to do list, we tend to see what we have not done, causing us stress and discouragement. By simply being mindful of and celebrating each completed small step, you can transform your outlook, revive your energy and improve your well-being.THOMSON BLUEPRINTS FOR LIVINGDIANE THOMSON, MS, CAPC, PCC ADHD & LIFE MANAGEMENT COACH973-534-7974 | THOMSONBLUEPRINTS.COMfresh start /29"