b'We keep you smiling!Everyeffortismadeto ensuretheutmostcomfort for each patient.Enjoy a modern professional environmentandacaring staff.As a former faculty member of Fairleigh Dickinson Dental School, Dr. Wisz now devotes all her time to private practice.The Bear took home multiple wins at the Emmys and Golden Globe awards. Actor Matty Matheson, creator Christopher Storer and executive producer Josh Senior at the Wendy Wisz, DMD Emmy Awards ceremony. fillintheepisodes with guest chefs and restaura-describe my producing, I just try and General, Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry roundouttheedgesandteurs who interacted with the culinary blanks. In some ways Im the first au- andmanagementstaffoftheBeef. dience to [experience] what hes writ- It was arguably more of a challenge ing to help illustrate the themes, theforustofigureoutwhoisgoingto 250 Millburn Avenue | Millburn message, and the motif. be[Copenhagen-basedpastry]Chef 973-467-0077 When asked about the unique re- Luca, which is played by Will Poulter, Saturdays and Evenings Available quirements of creating The Bear, Se- or who was going to play Chef Terry, On site parking | Convenient location nior highlights the rapid pace of pro- says Senior.ducingtheseries.OnethingaboutActress Olivia Colman was cast as The Bear thats really different than anyChef Terry at Ever, a fine-dining res-other show is how fast we make it. Itaurant in Chicago. Colman performs would venture to say there isnt anoth- oppositeactorEbonMoss-Bachrach WEEKDAY SCHOOL IS er scripted show on TV that works atasRichardRichieJerimovich.The E N R O L L I N G N O W this cadence. We are filming now [Feb- chef plays a crucial role in the manage-ruary 2024] to be on TV in June, andrial evolution of Richie (titled Forks, F O R F A L L 2 0 2 4 weve done this every year. That pres- Season 2, Episode 7) and the charac-ents a whole host of challenges that re- terspersonalgrowththroughoutthe Pre-K to 5th grade and Aftercare Program applications accepted now ally necessitate a lot of modulation toremaining episodes.the way that one would normally doAlthoughhisworktakeshimout this job, he says. of town, Senior is happy to return to A In Season 2, The Bear introducedSouth Orange where he lives with his manynewmembersofCarmyBer- wife, Emma, and their three sons. After P R O G R E S S I V E zattos family. Titled Fishes, Episodemeeting Emma in college, the couple S C H O O L 6 focuses on a deeply emotional fam- lived in Brooklyn for 10 years. Emma ily dinner and includes cameos fromis a partner. She started the company N U R T U R I N G Jon Bernthal, Jamie Lee Curtis, Johnwith me. Shes also an educator and an C U R I O U S Mulaney,BobOdenkirkandSarahartist, Senior says. Im continuously Paulson.inspired by her. She was the reason that L E A R N E R S Senior describes the ensemble cast- I was able to even start a business to be- ing as a combination of people thatgin with, and shes definitely a founda-Its gonna be a GREAT YEAR! weve met and admire and people thattional partner in all the creative work One month in. and were really excited about 2023! we dream up and see if theyre inter- that I do, says Senior.ested and people we think are going toThecouplestartedoutinMaple-work well together. With guest cast- wood in 2016, just a few miles down ing,IthinkitsalwaysimportanttotheroadfromSeniorshometownof www.sevenpointwellness.com make sure that those people feel likeShort Hills. When we found out we SOUTH ORANGE, NEW JERSEY862-438-5223 they could be in the world, and so wewereexpectingoursecondchild,we 187 Millburn Ave Suite #101 Millburn, NJ 917-210-1063 contact jackie.delucia@wkdschool.org challenged ourselves last year. moved to Maplewood, where we lived The second season featured severalforfiveyears,hesays.Justbefore 18/ matters magazine / spring 2024'