b'in when the league was playing in Me-morial Park. Says Mansfield, ShortlyHAPPIER, afterIjoined,my[11-year-old]son, Hudson, started coming out to watchHEALTHIER, the group and shoot around between games.SMARTER One day the league was one playerplaces to learn.short and Hudson was called up to play in a game. Since this is a 30-and-older group, they made an exceptionSchool alternatives for kids ages 4-18for him to join us, which speaks to the love and generosity of this group, Mansfield says. Now many of the play- @thevillageelectricers bring their kids to the games, and a whole new generation is developing a love for this game and the type of community they see in the league. In 2018 the expanding league ad-optedthenameSOMAOver30 Basketball,reflectingtheagesofits players. At this point the league playedMark Mansfield and his son, Hudson, en-atMaplewoodMiddleSchoolandjoying the game together.Golda Och Academy, which requiredand volleyball but faced another set-theleaguetohaveinsurance.Thisback when even those relatively safer meant the league members needed toactivities ceased. of physical courts,WASH & CLEAN YOURpay dues. With demand rising, WoodIn the absence aimed to secure more playing space andWoodturnedtotechnologytokeep formalize teams at South Orange Mid- the league connected. Zoom calls be- HOMES SLATE ROOFdle School, because it has space for twocamealifeline,withmorethan20 full-court games to run simultaneously. playersjoiningeachcall.Formany,Upgrade the curb appeal of your home this springButtheonsetofthepandemicSOMAOver30Basketballbecame in 2020 posed a significant threat toa source of solace during the darkest the leagues continuity. Public courtsdays of the pandemic.closed,rimswereremovedandtheAsrestrictionseasedenoughto prospectofindoorplaybecametooplay outside in 2020, the league faced risky. Wood, fearing the disintegrationthechallengeoffindingsafeoutdoor of their community, took swift action.courts.Woodsperseveranceledthem Heexploredalternativesportsliketo a neglected court in Kearse Park in Adult Ultimate Frisbee (Adultimate)Vauxhall near Mannys Texas Weiners. Overcoming its dilapidated state with ladders, shovels, brooms,andleafblowers, the players turned it into an acceptable if not ideal place to play. They played there for almost a year in masks. League numbers dipped to 21 players as play on this tiny court began. But play- SOME OF THE LOCAL ROOFS EXPERTLY CLEAN LIGE T, DE IL- RIENTED TEAMing became a source of ther- ED BY OUR DI N TA Oapy and comfort, forming a unique support system.CommissionerWoodINCREASE YOUR PROPERTY VALUEintroduceda3x3tourna- We use non-toxic, environmentally friendly cleaning solutionsmentinNovember2020. The tournament is now an annual event, eagerly antic- CALL FOR A ROOF CLEANING ESTIMATEipated by league members. 973 857 7300SlateRoofProfessionals.com The league is playing a 5x5 game. They dont wear uniforms or jerseys to differentiate between the teamsEventually, they found a but simply rely on their memory. space in better condition toLocally owned and operated | License #13VH087feature story /25'