b'use in Liv- sence of the community.ingston.As the league stands with 95 players Adaptingon the mailing list and 56 playing week-to the newly,theyfacethechallengeoffinding n o r m a l ,larger spaces to accommodate 5 players theleagueon each team. Plans to approach South introducedOrange Middle School for additional DREAMERS f o r m s a lgym space underscore the leagues com- m a kmitment to growing while maintaining b r e a k s the tight-knit bond that defines SOMA d u r i n gOver 30 Basketball.Create and performgames,al-Chris Donat guarded byl o w i n g your own original play! Mark Mansfield. George Hobor is in the back- p l a y e r s ground. totakea Three weeks of: breather while safely distanced.Acting Improv Singing The leagues commitment to safety endured as they requested vaccination Playwriting Movement cards from players in the summer of 2021. As all members became vacci-July 8-26, 2024 nated, masks were shelved (except dur-At Vivid Stage (120 Morris Ave, Summit, NJ) ing COVID spikes), reflecting a sense of getting back to normal. REGISTER NOW! Emerging from the pandemic with fewerplayersbutheightenedenergy, theleaguesolidifieditsphilosophy: Grades 5-12 | www.vividstage.org havefun,playhardanddontget info@vividstage.org | 908-514-9654 hurt.Theleague,albeitadministra- Craig Wolff, Mark Mansfield, Nick Pat-tively challenging, has become a fam- tison (with ball), Jonathan Pang, and Dan ily. Woods goal is clear. He wants theDeMonte.league members to play into their 70s,The league has bonded together a spinning off younger players into newgroupofmenwhootherwisemight age groups while maintaining the es- never have met. The players look for-wardtotheirbasketballdayseach week.Afteranumberofyearswith the group, I can only say it has become biggerthanus,saysplayerAdam Friedland. It has become a continu-allygrowingcommunityandfamily. And theres a lotta love. AdriannaAhernDonatisafreelance writermarriedtoaSOMAOver30 player, who is now very familiar with the The league uses an iPad for scorekeeping. closest urgent care facilities.Final teams for 3x3 annual tournament (L to R): Dan DeMonte, Alex Diaz, Craig Wolff, Shereef Hammad, Dante Lara, Hudson Mansfield, Mark Mansfield, and Robert Stout.26/ matters magazine / spring 2024'