b'Stillerand A n n e M e a r a , AnneJack-son,Eli Wa l l a c h , SarahDash (of LaBelle), Kurt Vonne-gutandhis then son-in-law Geraldo Rivera (who A long-running act: Patrick Fisher (left) and Rick Rodgers met as hy- preferred phenated actor-waiters 42 years ago.tochange hisbabys alongsidethesubjectsofwhateverdiapers on the banquette in the diningJoinJESPYtobook were working on, then I go homeroom),WilliamHurt,JoVanFleet,honorBoardand make every one of their recipes inCharles Durning, and many more. my kitchen. Ive had to learn how toI think my ease of working withMembercook everything. He shares his WestcelebritiesontheircookbookswasStaceyDavisOrange townhouse with his partner ofbased on my dealing with these people 42 years, Patrick Fisher. His spotlessearly on. I also realized that food was kitchen looks more like a laboratorygoing to be my life.than the source of such delights as the exquisite Viennese specialties in Kaf-feehaus, Rodgers classic book that has been in print for more than 20 years. Scanthiscodeorvisithttps://jespyhouse.org/SpringGalaThe long success of Kaffeehaus has in-spired Rodgers to add tour guide to his resume. He plans to take food lovers to some of the worlds tastiest destinations, touring the cafs and bakeries of Vienna, Salzburg, and Budapest in spring 2025. (Info at globalgourmands.com.) It wouldnt be the first time hes re-invented himself. Rodgers intended to be an actor. A native of Oakland, CA, he earned a bachelors degree in theater from San Francisco State.But I soon realized that I was not a good enough actor to make it a career,Kaffeehaus, filled with recipes for des-Your Interior and Exterior Painting Expertsserts from European cafs, has been in seeing my fellow students on Broad- print for more than 20 years. Its success wayandcabaretstagesandmovies,inspired Rodgers to plan a tour of these he says. Id be just another gay actorcafs in 2025.who would have to live in a closet. AtIt was at Teachers that he met Fish-that point in time, there were no roleer,anotheractor-waiterwhowould models, no Nathan Lane or Harvey Fi- eventuallyjointheproductionstaff erstein. The only visible gay celebrityof Newsweek magazine. After holding was Truman Capote. No thanks. positionsatlocalnonprofitsWorld-Relocating to New York, he soonwide Orphans and The Valerie Fund, fellintowhathecallsthehyphen- Patrick works with Growth for Good, ated role of actor-waiter. I snaggedKatherineDeFoydsconsultingfirmWarranty up to 4 years High Quality Preparation & Paintinga job at Teachers, a beloved neighbor- fornonprofitorganizations.HeandPainting Since 1996 Follow Lead Safety Regulationshood spot next door to Zabars, Rod- Rodgers lived on Midland Blvd in Ma- Carpentry and Deck Refinishing Fully Insured and Licensedgers says on his Facebook page. As aplewood for more than 15 years before young Californian, I did not fully re- relocating, briefly, to Delaware, then,Call for a free estimatealize that I had become involved withhappily! back to Essex County and973-444-1956places and people that would becomeWest Orange. independentpainters.comlegendary.CustomersincludedJerryRodgers culinary skills, ebullience feature story /35'