b'Learn, Grow, CreateMontclair Film offers fall classes for pre-teens, teens, and adults. Sign up now for: FilmmakingSketch Comedy Animation Writing ImprovStorytelling PodcastingScreenwriting Voice ActingEditing and more!Financial Assistance is available for qualified students.Space is limited,so register today! Dr. Bianca Silver reviews a "sustainable cities" project that her AP EnvironmentalGo to MontclairFilm.org/EducationScience class was working on. The students were divided into groups to discuss their design and approach. MONTCLAIR FILM 505 Bloomfield Avenue Montclair, NJthe company asked her to move toperfect, says Silver. [Yoga Playhouse Houston, Silver made a tough choicehassinceclosed.]Thiswaswhen to leave the company. She wanted toshe heard about the opportunity to start a family and needed a job thatteach for the school district. allowed her to stay closer to home. Silver, whose PhD is in environ-This led her to Arcadis, an envi- mental science, was initially hired to ronmental consulting firm in Jerseyteach biology. I thought I was inter-City. Silver focused on solving toxicviewing to teach geoscience, but the environmentalproblemsasageo- district was hiring me to teach biol-chemist in the Site Evaluation andogy. When I got the call from hu-Remediation Group. She conductedman resources in July, I realized Id dataanalysesandpublishedpapershave to work fast to qualify to teach on mining geochemistry and reme- biology, says Silver. diation knowledge, technology, andShe quickly adapted to the sub-innovation. ject,studyingforandpassingthe Eventually, the birth of her chil- Praxisexamduringthesummer dren brought new priorities. for her new teaching role. She has Silvermovedtofreelancestatusbecomeabelovedmemberofthe atArcadisasherfam-ilygrewandrelocated to South Orange when her oldest child entered kindergarten.Shealso taughtyogaatYoga Playhouse in South Or-ange. Id been teaching yogasincegradschool and enjoy teaching kids, so yoga classes for kids Students in Dr. Silver\'s AP Environmental Science at Yoga Playhouse wasclass.feature story /13'