b'Empowering Columbia High School Through Community SupportCougar Boosters celebrates 50 yearsBY ADRIANNA DONATThe Cougar Boosters raised a record $35,000 this year at the 25th anniversary of the Al Farah Golf and Tennis Classic.F or50years,theCougarBoostersare extensive and impactful. andBoostershaveunder $2,000, and its primary fundraising activ-has been a cornerstone of supportThefundsraisedbyCougarity was soliciting money for the organization by for Columbia High School (CHS)helped student organizationsathletic teamscanning at the Maplewood train station. Farahs inMaplewood.Sinceitscreationparticipate in team events and club activities, pres- innovative idea of hosting a golf outing at Maple-in1974,CougarBoostershasentaward-winningmusicalandtheatricalper- wood Country Club transformed its fundraising been dedicated to fundraising andformances,replaceagingequipment,enterandefforts. We made $10,000 from the golf outing distributing funds to enhance thehost prestigious academic competitions, publishthat year, says Farah. This event has since grown, schoolsextracurricularprograms,enrichingthestudent writings, and enhance school and athleticwith 2024s Classic raising a record $35,000.lives of countless students. facilities, says Sara Knutsen, president of CougarOver the years, Cougar Boosters has expanded The state of New Jersey provides more thanBoosters Executive Board.$25,000 per student each year, the third highestA significant milestone in Cougar Boosters his-amount of school funding in the United States.tory was the 25th anniversary of the Al Farah Golf Still, this basic amount is never enough to fundand Tennis Classic on April 29, 2024. Al Farah, a themyriadactivitiescentraltotheColumbiapassionate supporter of CHS, has been involved HighSchoolexperience.ThisiswhereCougarwith Cougar Boosters since 1998. Farah stood on Boosters steps in, providing critical financial sup- the CHS soccer teams sidelines in the early days, portforclubs,sportsteamsandvariousschoolalong with other dedicated parents such as Mila projects. From funding the Model UNs trip toJasey and Stephanie Bar Am.Yale University, bringing in programs to help stu- Farah recounts how then CHS Athletic Direc-dents learn to write resumes, to being the largesttorBobCurcio(from1983-2003)approached supporter of the popular Midnight Madness post- him for help to raise more funds for the schoolsThe Cougar Boosters helped fund the Model UN to graduation event, Cougar Boosters contributionsteams. At that time, Cougar Boosters had a budgettake these delegates to Yale University this past year.28/ matters magazine / school 2024'