b'mune from it: wheth-eryourebornwith itordevelopitor love someone with it. There is so much for scientists and doctors tounderstandabout our brains that there is still no cure for epi-lepsy, just treatments that *might* work. If you love to play ten-nis, please check out thisawesometour-namentbeingheld Noreen Gomez with her four daughters, clockwiseinmysistersname. from top left: Laura, Christine, Maureen and Katie. Theres even a trophy School when she was 10 years old.to win. If tennis isnt Although their lives were cut short,yourthingandyourewondering Gomezsays,Iwasveryfortunatewhat else you could do, a donation because both Katie and Laura had agoes a long way.life. They never limited themselves.Thisyearsdoublestournament, Gomezsayspeoplewithepilepsysponsored by the Maplewood Rec-tend to hold back on participating inreation Department, will take place experiences because of the loomingSept. 7-8 for adults ages 21 and over threat of another seizure.attheMemorialParkandWalter Gomez sees the tournament as aPark Tennis Courts. The cost is $50 chance to make people aware of theper team and includes a tournament disease. She says, Its amazing howt-shirt. To register, visit maplewood.manypeoplestilldontunderstandrecdesk.com/Community/Program.Mattersanythingaboutepilepsy.ShesaidFor more information, contact John she wished she had the communityTrinity at mplwdten@aol.com. ofsupportthatEpilepsyServicesTrinitysaystheorganizersare ofNewJerseyprovideswhenhergrateful for the support of MelissaMAGAZINE daughters were alive. Mancuso,directorofcommunityCALLING ALL Trinitylooksforwardtoeachservices for the township, with get- WOMEN IN BUSINESStournament. He says, A lot of Lau- ting the tournament started and pro-ras friends and family come out. Itsmoting the cause. almost like a little bit of a reunionEllenDonker,aformerneighborofWhats Your Sign?of the people that knew the Holtzes.NoreenGomez,isinspiredbyherEach of us is born under a zodiac sign and some Althoughrememberingatragedystrength and willingness to give backthink it explains their personality traits. Whether likethiscanbehard, Trinitysays,forsuchapersonalandimportantor not you believe in astrology, lets have some fun! Initially when I would think aboutcause.Laura, I would feel sad. And now itsTell our readers in our annual Women in Business different. By having this tourna- feature what your sign is and the trait you most ment, you still miss her. But youidentify with when it comes to your career.can just find something positive about the whole thing. Your Profile by Ellen Donker In a Facebook post, ChristineHeadshot by Julia Maloof Verderosa Holtz Ryan, the older sister whoZodiac Art by Erin Rogers Pickeringbrought Laura along to her les-sons so many years ago, wrote, My family, [my sister] MaureenThe Matters Magazine Fall issue comes out on October 11.Reid and I used to do a charityINTERESTED?walk for Epilepsy every year inContact your advertising consultant orDC. I dont have the heart for itSecond Annual Laura Holtz Tennis tourna- visit mattersmagazine.com.anymore since Kate died. Morement. L-R: Victor Gomez, Noreen Gomez, than3.4millionpeoplesufferChristine Holtz Ryan, Mark McLoughlin, Mau- D eaDline : F riDay , S eptember20.reen Holtz Reid, Lara Tomlin, Mark Bochner, from this disease. No one is im- and Eric Bochner.feature story /33'