b'sizesthecommunityspiritofthe organization. We are a prideful and helpful group of parents and alums.Whether youre sending the kids off to Cougar Boosters tries to give to ev- school, heading back to work, or both; erything that comes our way, saysits all the more reason to be settled in Crane. We love to sit at meetings and try to give money away. Wevethe right home. I can help. giventoclubs,beautificationproj-ects, the Bell Tower, Underhill Field,Together, we can make it happen!and the Home and School Associa-tion for things like paint and flags.Crane also highlights the broader mission of Cougar Boosters. People hearBoosterandmisunderstand ourmission.Wearentjustabout Hank Zona with Al Farah at the 25thsports,sheexplains.Weliketo anniversary of the Al Farah Golf andcontributetomakeahappyspace Tennis Classic.for learning.significantly. Today, Cougar Boost- HankZonajoinedCougar ers has a fabulous group of [19] par- Boostersmorethan15yearsago ents as trustees, says Farah. Parentswhen the organization had dwindled ofsoccerplayersstarthangingoutto five members. His help revitalizedEACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATEDtogether when the kids are 8 yearsthegroup,inspiringteamstocre-old and stay together on the sidelinesate their own booster organizations,ANNE SERVITTOfor the next 10 years. By the timethus allowing Cougar Boosters to fo- Realtor - Sales Associatethey reach Columbia High School,cus on a wider range of groups and181 Maplewood AvenueMaplewood, NJ 07040they know each other [and the teamsprograms within CHS.cell: 917.224.5422office: 973.762.5400needs] well. Whenwehandedthemoneyanneservitto@gmail.comanneservitto.kw.comJanet Crane, a CHS alumna andout it was like a box of Band-Aids, presidentoftheColumbiaHighsaysZona,whothoughtsmall School Alumni Association, empha- amounts of money wouldnt provide Enjoy Summeer r Enjoy Summin our ur in oOuuttddoooorrOSTREET CT CAFEAFE!!STREEThe Latest At SJGxOysterfest is BackSeptember 7! xLobster Rolls are Here!xSeasonal Beers on Tap.Your Choice!Dine with us indoors firesideor at our street cafe. Authentic Irish Cuisine, Irish Coffee, Fine Wines and Irish Whiskeyworthy of Celtic KingsM ay your thirst for life never run dry 167 Maplewood AvenueMaplewood Village 973-378-2222The grand reopening celebration of the Lynn V. Profeta Field at the Underhill SportsST. JAMESS GATE APPAREL AND GIFT CARDS AVAILABLEComplex in Maplewood was organized by CHS Cougar Boosters and Alumni instjamesgatemaplewood.comconjunction with the CHS Activities & Athletics Department.feature story /29'