b'much,saysMaureenDavenport,nualTurnoverSalefordonations whowasatMorrowintheearlyof machines that do not work. She 2000s. She later moved to Seth Boy- brings them into school so interested den, where she taught kindergartenkids can take them apart and find for 15 years before becoming its as- out how they are put together. sistant principal. To this day, I stillShe scavenged a piece of lumber gravitate to the philosophy of learn- fromaneighborsdrivewayduring ing through play. As Barb says, Itsthe pandemic and built the original the process, not the product.outdoor mud kitchen. The kitchen Indeed, any new parent dropping a board sitting on cement blocks their child off at Morrow might be a was equipped with pots and pans bit disappointed at first to find outfrom the Turnover Sale, along with their kid has nothing to show fromsundry teapots and ladles. In it, the amorningatschool.Manykidskidsgratedchalk,stirredpotions leaveeachdayempty-handed,noand concocted poisons. They loveReecceessss Rartwork, no worksheets and no cardspoisons, says OConnell. for Mom or Dad. Nobody practicesOConnell loves that the children writing or reading. determinethecurriculum.EveryHassBBeeeennHaIllingworthinsiststhat3andclass has a different culture, so you 4-year-olds should be focused on so- go where the kids lead you, she says.UUppggrraaddeedd!!cial and emotional development, notNo day is like another, no year ex- -Swimming Lessons Year Round- academics.Onceyougetsociallyactly like the one before.andemotionallyready,youcangoTheco-oppartoftheschool, to school. We dont have to do lettershowever,remainscentraltothe andallthatstuff.Itslettingthemschool.play. Its letting them develop theirHicks,whohasservedastheSmall Fun & SurvivalClass Gentle First muscles, their fine motor [skills], andschoolsdirectorsinceIllingworths SizesTeaching Method they do that all through playing andretirement, insists that the one thing333 Elmwood Ave, Maplewood, NJclimbing Illingworth asked of her was to keep 201-645-1300|www.BritishSwimSchool.comWeletthembeself-sufficient.the co-op going as long as I could. Were teaching them how to take careUnder the co-op model, a different of themselves, to learn skills and beparent is the class helper each day. daredevils, says Illingworth. This canThe arrangement not only saves par-include spending an hour building aents money, but it also allows them tower to knock it down, sorting carsto see their child in context, playing or whipping up food in the kitchenwith other children.with Play-Doh. I dont want to over- Hicks acknowledges that the co-protectthemintheplay-ground. I want them to fail so they learn there is success after failure. Practice makes Your Interior and Exterior Painting Expertsperfect.Inhermanyyearsat thehelm,Illingworthre-cruited a staff who thinks like she does. All the teach-ers at the preschool, except thecurrentdirectorCyn-thiaHicks,wereparents atMorrowfirst.Mostof themservedonthepre-schoolboard.AllbeganWarranty up to 4 years High Quality Preparation & PaintingtheircareersinLunchPainting Since 1996 Follow Lead Safety RegulationsBunch.Carpentry and Deck Refinishing Fully Insured and LicensedNancyOConnell, whofirstmetIllingworthCall for a free estimatemorethan30yearsago,973-444-1956Children at Morrow Preschool spend at least an teaches the 4-year-olds andhour outdoors each day, much of it on the play- independentpainters.comscrounges the churchs an- ground or in the garden beds.feature story /25'