b"A li\x1ble change can make a big di\x10erence\x0eeGreenTap.comRefillable products delivered to your doorstepTheGreenTap.comThe Joshua Dread series, which mixesLANDSCAPE DESIGN | INSTALLATION | MAINTENANCEadventure and escapism with funny characters and plot twists, was Bacon's first book deal. Craig Sullivan, MLAPrincipalPO Box 1742thought that would be an easier way topriorities. But again, his work ethic isMontclair, NJ 07042learn. Pretty soon, he realized that headmirable. An average day has him get- TheAvantGardener.comreally enjoyed childrens literature andting up around 4 a.m. so he can writecraigjohnsullivan@hotmail.comgot a lot more out of it as an adult.before the baby wakes. Then after sheC - 917-774-9905So he started writing expressly for thatis at daycare, he does some more writ-audience,andsoonlandedhisfirsting, some errands, and on a good day bookdealandliteraryagentforhiswill get another creative burst before book, Joshua Dread. dinner.FullofsupervillainsandkillerAs he says, You cant just wait for houseplants,JoshuaDreadmixesad- inspiration to strikeits a marathon, venture and escapism with funny char- not a sprint.actersandplottwists.BaconstartedBacons goal is just to get himself in gettingvariousawardsandgreatre- front of the computer screen and put sponses from readers. Soon he turnedsome words on the page each day. Hes Joshua Dreads story into a four-bookalso very mindful of how often he lets series. After that, he wrote another se-ries called Legendtopia, followed by an Audible Original book called The Mys-tery of Alice.Learn.Create.Play.Bacon wrote the two-book series M ICK E Y F RIE DLegendtopia after completing thepopular Joshua Dread books.PRREESSCCHHOOOOLLRight around this time, he and hisPwife, now in Maplewood, became theOF OHEB SHALOM CONGREGATIONparents of a daughter. Bacon admitsBacon and wife Eva recently became parents. Bacon admits that's been aSouth Orange, NJMickeyFriedPreschool.org(973) 762-7069thats been a game-changer in terms ofgame-changer in terms of priorities.feature story /21"