b'HEAD OF SCHOOL PROFILESOur area has many options forprivate schools, preschools and enrichment.Here, heads of school describe thephilosophies that guide their institutions. TINA UNDERWOODSaint Rose of Lima AcademyGrades served: Pre-K - 852 Short Hills Avenue, Short Hills973-379-3973 | srlacademy.orgS t.RoseofLimaAcademy,establishedin1869,isafully- accredited,coeducationalBlueRibbonCatholicschool. Serving a diverse population, the purpose of the Academy is toprovideanacademicenvironmenttohelpstudentsdevelop moral values, service to others, and a positive self-image so they areprepared to face the challenges of life. Recognizing that God endows each student with a variety of unique giftsandabilities,theAcademyeducateschildrenspirituallyand intellectually, integrating Catholic truths with personal values and morals. Doing so sets students on the path of developing self-esteem, AMY ZIEBARTH independence, and respect for others.Far Brook SchoolAges served: Age 3 - Grade 852 Great Hills Road, Short Hills(973) 379-3442 | farbrook.orgF arBrookSchoolisaremarkableanduniquecommunity deeply rooted in a progressive educational philosophy that in-spires curiosity, collaboration, empathy, deep understanding, and engaged learning. Our community is intentionally diverse andcommitted to social justice, equity, anti-racism, and inclusion that is reflective and respectful of the world around us. Learning is hands-on,inquiry-driven,arts-infused,andSTEAM-powered.Weare grounded in nature, and our 9.5 acre campus and wetlands provide unlimited classroom and educational opportunities.We have a great responsibility to our students as they are forming early impressions and gaining knowledge that will serve as the foundation for their future engagement as global citizens in an ever-changing world. head of school /23'