b'in the renovated Baird Center for events of allBRIGHTENING LIVESsizes, and for all ages. She says the village isEVERY CLIENTlooking beyond a dedi-cated senior center, to- EVERY HOMEward something more inclusive: I think theEVERY TIMEnameofthegameis Seniors enjoy a party at the Maplewood Pool. intergenerationalop- Iupeverysingleday portunity, she says. wake Maplewoodsmu- motivatedtochangelives nicipality is also work- becauseIbelieveevery ing toward inclusivity.persondeservesahome. Dafisnotesthatmu- Puttingclientsneedsand namedage-friendlybytheAARP,nicipalordinancestherenowrequirewantsfirstismyhighest thenationalorganizationthatadvo- that accommodations for older adultspriority. cates on behalf of older adults. And thebeprovidedforallactivities,fromIf you are looking to buy, sell orCAMILLE ESTRELLAGrotta Fund, which paid for the firstblockpartiestomunicipalmeetings.invest so you can jump into theCell: 973-932-5637 threeyearsof Two Townsexistence,JoanCrystal,whochairstheMaple- camilleestrellahomes@kw.com real estate game, call me today.liinks.co/camilleestrellaextended the grant for two years be- woodSeniorAdvisoryCommittee, cause it was impressed with its results. sayshergreatestaccomplishmentis There is no denying, however, thatliterally pedestriangetting a sidewalkHelping sellers prepare their homes for the best return possible.both Maplewood and South Orangebuiltthatconnectstheseniorcenter hadworktodo. ToniaMoore,whoand the community center.moved to South Orange after her chil- Despite the many advances, how-dren were grown, remembers attend- ever, there are obstacles for older adults ing a municipal meeting not long afterwho want to live in SOMA.she arrived. She happened to sit nextThe two biggest issues are housing181 Maplewood Avenue,Maplewood, NJ 07040to an elderly woman who could nei- and transportation, says Wesley. Al-ther read the agenda, nor hear whatways and forever. thecurrentSouthYOUR LOCAL CPA FIRMthespeakersweresaying.CitizensTracyCarroll,TAX SEASON IS QUICKLYwere being cut off (from participating)Orange coordinator for Two Towns for as a natural part of aging, Moore says.All Ages, puts it another way: A lot ofAPPROACHINGAnd it didnt have to be that way. people have to move even though they Now chair of South Oranges Se- dont want to move.nior Advisory Committee, Moore notThe towns are known for their big only continues to advocate on behalfsingle-familyhousesandtheirsmall-of seniors at the government level, buttownfeel.Thoseworkagainstaging also teaches several classes devoted toadults, who need less space, and more, healthy aging. She also spends a goodandcloser,services.Accordingtothe deal of time talking to Village Trustee2020 census, SOMA has a smaller per-Karen Hartshorn Hilton, who is the trustees liaison to the committee.WeinSouthOrangearetrying very hard not to forget [our seniors],We offer contactlesssays Hilton. Hilton, who also is chair of the Finance Committee, argues thattax services!the needs of older residents are con-sidered in every line of the municipal Contactless meetings & fee estimatesbudget,fromrecreationalprogram-Contactless document intakemingandcodeenforcementtope-Contactless tax return filingdestriansafetyandcommunications.Call us today to set up your virtual tax meeting! Nelson Couto, CPA, CFP and Anthony DeFranco, CPA, The village still sends a newsletter byCFP, MS (Taxation)Partners; Couto DeFranco, P.A. mail, for example, an accommodation for those who are not computer liter- COUTO DEFRANCO, P.A.At the Maplewood Senior Center office, ate, which includes many older adults.Wesley keeps a full calendar of activitiesCERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & ADVISORSAnd though the village does not haveincluding health screenings and nutri- Offices in South Orange & West Orangetion seminars, exercise classes, holiday adedicatedseniorcenter,Hartshornlunches, dinner theater excursions and trips to the Shore.973.378.3300coutodefranco.compromises there will be plenty of space feature story /29'