b'ANA YOUNGHUSBANDThe Montclair Cooperative SchoolAges served: Early Ages - 8th Grade65 Chestnut Street, Montclair973-783-4955 | montclaircoop.orgF romEarlyAgesthrough8thgrade,theMontclairCo-op keeps children at the center of school life and engagesparentsintheirchildrenseducation.Attheheartofourprogressive approach is the belief that children thrive in an environ-ment that honors individuality and community. The unique value of our school lies in the partnership between students, families, and teachers, contributing to the life of the school in ways that benefit all who enter. FRUMIE BOGOMILSKYThe KinderGan PreschoolAges served: 2 - 5 years oldHours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.113-117 Parker Avenue, Maplewood973-763-7455 | kinderganpreschool.orgD uring their early years, children are naturally curious and interested in the world around them. This magical time of extraordinarycognitive,emotionalandphysicalgrowth, combinedwithanexcellentearlychildhoodprogram,setsthe foundation for learning and social relationships.Ourteacherscreateawarmandfriendlyenvironmentanduse learningcentersthatincludeblocks,art,dramaticplay,books, manipulatives and scientific discovery so children have choices to ac-tively explore. Parents are regarded as partners in the important role of raising children to be caring, responsible and creative Jewish adults.LIZ MORRISONMorristown Beard SchoolGrades served: 6 - 1270 Whippany Road, Morristown973-539-3032 | mbs.netM orristown Beard School is a supportive and collaborative community where students are empowered to have agency over an academic journey that challenges, inspires, and fulfills them.Our excellent academic experience challenges students in the classroom, on the stage, on the fields, and throughout campus, and allows them to develop character and learn to live a balanced life that promotes wellness.Ensuringthegrowthandwell-beingofeachstudenthasalwaysbeena cornerstoneoftheMBSphilosophy,andwecontinuetohelpstudents maintain a balanced approach to rigorous academics, enriching extra-curricularactivities, and an engaging family and community life.24/ matters magazine / spring 2022'