b'The Ultimate CelebrationUltimate Frisbee founders are inducted into the CHS Hall of FameBY ADRIANNA DONATAlong with friends Joel Silver and Bernard Buzzy Hellring, Jonny Hines was inducted in the CHS Hall of Fame on June 8, 2022.T heSpiritoftheGameranhighatlumbian school newspaper, his friends and co-cre- parking lot, and asked him to edit them to make ColumbiaHighSchoolasstudentsthe sport more functional. With Hines recrafted and faculty turned out to induct therules in hand, Silver and Hellring created a pam-founders of Ultimate Frisbee into thephlet to recruit more players. And Ultimate Fris-CHS Hall of Fame on June 8th.bee was born.JonnyHines,CHSclassof70,Ofthethreecorefounders,onlyHinesat-credited with codifying the rules of atendedtheHallofFameinductionceremony. game that is today played in 120 countries and be- Hellrings sister, Heidi Hellring, was on hand to ing considered as an Olympic sport, was on handspeak on behalf of her brother, Buzzy (he died in a to speak for the three original founders of Ultimateators of Ultimate, Joel Silver and Bernard Buzzycar accident in 1971), who is credited with creating Frisbee.Hellring (all class of 70), brought him three pagesthe concept of the Spirit of the Game, a rule placing Hines explained how, as sports editor for the Co- of rules of a game they had been playing in the CHSresponsibility on the players to play fair and elimi-Captains of Sparkle Motion and the CHS Boys Team pose with an original pie plate. L to R: Sparkle Motion co-cap- Hines passed around the inspiration for an Ultimate tions Sydney Mannion, Vivian Welch, Abby Sullivan, anddisc, an original pie plate from Frisbie Pie Company ofHeidi Hellring, sister of Bernard "Buzzy" Hellring, CHS Boys Varsity Captains Kye Haniph, and Ben Keigwin. Bridgeport, CT. receives his induction posthumously.feature story /43'