18 / matters magazine / fall 2017 Women in Business T his fall, Matters Magazine cel- ebrates women in our business c o m m u n i t y . (Have you no- ticed all of our stories in this issue feature women and girls?) You may see these ladies in any number of professions – from architechure and beauty to speech pathology and financial services. Read about their niche in busi- ness and what it takes to be successful in this economy. Jamie Meier of Live Love Lens Photography cap- tured these women visually while Alma Victor of Staynd Color provided hospital- ity and salon services. Erin Williams of Erin’s Faces and Lauren Chapman of Beautycounter used their artistry in makeup applica- tion while Kimaya Salaskar Thakrar of Kimaya Kama consulted on wardrobe and accessories. Besides having fun get- ting to know one another, we delighted in the cama- raderie that seems to come so naturally to women, the desire to collaborate, and the encouragement for one another's chosen path.