28 / matters magazine / fall 2017 1. Long vest made of assorted fox furs, The Fur Salon, 15 Village Plaza, South Orange, 973- 763-2283. 2. Pumpkin Enzyme Peel made with real pump- kin, smells like Fall and whisks away dead skin, $35, Erin’s Faces, erinsfaces.com. 3. The Windstopper zips up for protection or zips out to wear as a sport coat, J.Hilburn Custom Menswear, 212.517.7009, sharongb.jhilburn.com. 4. Cupcakes decorated for Fall, $3, Splurge Bak- ery, 105 Main Street, Millburn, 973-379-0740, splurgebakery.com. 5. Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Dis- covery by Scott Kelly, Words, 179 Maplewood Avenue, 973-763-9500, wordsbookstore.com. 6. Vintage brown leather jacket, $80, Retail Therapy, 7 Highland Place, Maplewood, 917- 650-7895. 7. Camouflage sweatshirt, $30, CKO Kickboxing Maplewood, 1933 Springfield Avenue, Maple- wood, 973-996-8779, ckomaplewood.com. 8. Vintage pony hand bag, $58, Valley Vintage, 168 South Valley Road, West Orange, 973-323-1711 9. Print cashmere and silk scarf, $130, Tenth Muse Gallery, 170 Maplewood Avenue, Maple- wood, 973-313-2722, thetenthmusegallery. com. 1. 2. 8 2. 6 7 5. 4 Fall Favorites 9 3.