b"ConnectingLeverage My with Others Intuition As a former actress, I know how toI have always had a natural sense for enter a room. For me, it's like walkinghow to connect with people. And in onto a stage and connecting with myreal estate I get to put that gift to use audience. It's the same in real estate.to understand what is important to I love interacting with my clients andget buyers and sellers to their next listening to their stories. Of course,chapter. As a good listener, I can in-I have the backdrop of professional- tuit a client's desires and fears about ism: I know the business, the market,Attractingbuying or selling a home in order to and this community inside out. And Ichart a way forward. It starts with work hard to get my clients what theyStar Clients breaking the process down into do-want. But the magic comes when Iable steps so that what once seemed connect with people and invite themdaunting becomes achievable. Over to trust me. It lets me be a leader thatOur clients are the true stars of ourthe years, I've guided many clients people feel comfortable following. business. We see ourselves as simplyto new homes (as well as my family the entourage. We do our best to several times!) and my relatability, surround our clients with guidance,paired with a sound marketing strat-support and encouragement to helpegy, helps make the process manage-them achieve their fitness goals. Itsable, and even fun.a role we feel honored to fulfill and Anne Servitto take very seriously. We are alwaysCarol Fardinlooking for new stars to support! Keller WilliamsKeller Williams Mid-Town Direct Realty Mid-Town Direct Realty181 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood 181 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood 917.224.5422 | anneservitto.kw.com 917.450.8843 | cvfbesthomeforyou.comHolly Benge, Guada Bas & Bethany PettigrewStudio 509509 Valley Street, Maplewood973.275.0509 | studio509fitness.comstar power /27"