b"superwomanform to work, you can be sure that it is freshly pressed and that her boots are butalsoapolished to a high shine. An aficionado of high-end fashion, Reaves friends at sweet,gener- the Christian Dior store at the Short Hills Mall presented her with a plaque ous soul. Shescongratulating her on her promotion. On it was a drawing of her wearing one of sokindandits ready-to-wear ensembles along treatsevery- with a brooch displaying her new onewiththerank.mostrespect.A few weeks after her promo-Allaround,tion, Reaves celebrated her accom-shes great. Heplishment in style with a party at adds,IwasOrangeLawnTennisClubthat happyforherwas attended by her brothers and whenshegotA dessert spread at Reaves' celebration. Photo by Malcolm Clark. sisters and extended family mem-promoted. Shebers from out of state, as well as has all the characteristics of a leader. theitemsclosefriends.Shewasalsosure These days, Reaves works the nightshe used onto include officers who had been shift12 hours at a timewith fourthe manne- promoted at the beginning of the patrolmen and a dispatcher. On herquinswerepandemic but had no opportunity days off, she attends to her other ca- thefirsttoto celebrate their milestones.reerthe Fashion Police, as she callssellout,AsforReavesnextsteps,she Sergeant Reaves enjoys a break in civilian itpromoting the Sally Reaves Col- whichledplans to continue her upward tra- clothes at Elitist Coffee, across the street from lection, which includes custom-madetoherpro- jectory,perhapsaimingforpro- the police station.bow ties, pocket squares, ascots, andmotiontomotiontolieutenant,whichen-suspendersthatshemakesherself.salesman- tails preparing for and passing a rigorous test. And Paulette? Its doubtful that Its an outlet for her love of fashion,agerwhenThis ensemble is part ofshell challenge Reaves again. She paid every penny of her $1,000 bet, finding honed since her first job out of highshe was justthe Sally Reaves Collec- out that Reaves is indeed a serious contender. In return, Reaves says, I owe her school when she convinced her boss18yearstion. everything. Im forever indebted to her. at the Rainbow Shop to let her dressold. Ellen Donker feels fortunate to have attended Sergeant Reaves promotion ceremony themannequins.ItturnedoutthatAlthough Reaves has to wear a uni- and witnessed history in the making.The Mignote The Mignote is a luxury boutique residential building with unimaginable design concepts curated to perfection. Unique and like no other building in town or neighboring towns.Four - 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Media Room, + Office DuplexesFour - 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Simplexes973-229-2492The Mignote - The Epitome of Luxury www.TheMignoteOnSecond.comfeature story /45"