b"Inner Swag Being on the Same PageMy visionary coaching approach sup- When we started our counseling prac-ports clients to discover their innertice, we had a lot of decisions to make, swag and lean into new possibilities.ranging from the name (Metis is the They learn to live a life aligned withgoddess of wisdom and counsel), the what matters, with clarity, focus, easedecor in our office, to the type of and grace, rather than anxiety andservices we wanted to offer. Time and struggle. I do this by sparking growthagain we found ourselves in agree-and evolution so my clients can cre- Share thement or able to work out the best ate their own journeys that help themsolution. Having the same sense of make their unique contributions toSpotlight what's right for us and our clients has the worldthat powerful sweet spotenabled us to function smoothly and that confirms they are at their pointadopt a collective vision for our busi-of mastery just before the break- As a professional actor, taking what Iness. That unity even trickles down to through. lovetheater, Broadway, music, act- our clients, who feel they're dealing ing, dancingand sharing it with thewith therapists they can trust and who kids in our towns is a delight. It's ac- are invested in their best outcome.tually more in my comfort zone and more satisfying to be part of a team,Daniela LaValva & Phyllis Taylor which is something I learned whenRegina SchaeferI was in Come From Away. That's why our classes are all about teamwork and collaboration. Since our teachers are Broadway performers, the kids PhyllisTaylor Coaching learn about different shows, playMetis Group, LLCacting games that help them create Maplewood with their hands, voices, bodies and120 Prospect Street, South Orange201.805.1114imaginations, and perform together. info@metisgroupllc.net phyllistaylorcoaching.comFostering that connection with the kids fuels my fire and helps us all experience joy.Becky FisherLittle Apple ArtsMaplewoodlittleappleartstheatre@gmail.comlittleapplearts.comstar power /29"