b"Put OthersListening to First Clients' NeedsFrom the time I was a little girl, I'veChaiseFitness identity was as a always wanted to do what's best forgroup fitness studio. Once the pan-the other person. After a career indemic hit, people were fearful of corporate sales negotiating largeworking out in groups. We listened. contracts, and experience renovating We transformed our dressing room and selling my own homes, real estatearea into a private workout studio. became the perfect career choice forWe now offer private Pilates and me. Knowing homes and the local Helping GYROTONIC sessions as well as market, I'm happy to use my skills togroups. Our clients appreciate having help buyers and sellers accomplishPeople a workout customized to their needs their goalsalways going above andand carve out much needed me beyond expectations. My clients trusttime. The pandemic has taught us me as a true partner who puts theirI became a financial advisor so Ito be sensitive to the needs of our needs first, either getting them thecould combine my knowledge andcommunity and continually shift our most money for their home or guid- interest in the market with my desirefitness services to keep our clients ing them through the next move toto help people. This business is notmoving in order for them to realize their new dream space.just about investing money; it's aboutthe full potential of their bodies.helping people make wise decisions with their finances so they can build wealth and reach their goals. So a lot Kimberly Kelly of what I do is listen carefully to myClaudia Aarts-Schreiberclients, get to know their stories, and understand their fears, their transi-tions and life phases. It's how I build Keller Williamstrust so they feel comfortable making Mid-Town Direct Realty a plan together with the promise thatChaiseFitness181 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood I will always be responsive and pro- 178 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood201.616.8959 | kimkellynjrealtor.com active, as I put their needs first. 973.996.2063 | chaisefitness.com/njInvestment and InsuranceProducts: NOT FDIC Insured / NO Bank Guarantee / MAY Lose Value. Margo Hill, CDFA, CRPC Wells Fargo Advisors200 Main Street, Madison, NJ 07940862.204.2114 home.wellsfargoadvisors.com/margo.hillWells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. The use of thestar power /31CDFA designation does not permit Wells Fargo Advisors or its Financial Advisors to provide le-gal advice, nor is it meant to imply that the firm or its associates are acting as experts in this field."