b'Stories as MedicineAs a Chinese Medicine Practitioner, my role with patients is to support their journey to optimal healthwhether recovering from an illness, maintaining a resilient pregnancy or simply focusing on preventative care. However, the true medicine is being Serving able to receive their "stories"theirTenacitytrials and tribulations, the joy, the Others grief, the moments of realizationand reflect them back in ways that allow for transformation and growth As partners in our real estate busi- along their healing pathway. As a real estate developer who hap-ness, we don\'t divide and conquer.pens to be a woman of color, I know Rather, we work together on everywhat it\'s like to be underestimated. I transaction so our clients get doubleprimarily develop residential luxury the effort. This enables us to pursuebuildings, such as The Mignote in our four brand pillarsauthentic- South Orange. Regardless of the ity,integrity, excellence and funtoproject, challenges always arise. It truly serve our clients and commu- Cristina R. de La Mar takes tenacity to persist because trades nity. It plays out in our commitmentpeople, suppliers, regulators, and other to do what\'s needed, whether it\'sprofessionals will often try to take sweeping a walkway or helping withadvantage of me by telling me my way every detail of preparing a house foris not possible. They doubt my abilities sale. And in the community, we\'reSeven Point Wellness and think I\'m a pushover until they see intent on giving back with our camp187 Millburn Avenue, Suite 101, Millburn me outsmart them with a brilliant so-fair and women in business competi- 917.210.1063 | sevenpointwellness.com lution. It is quite satisfying! And that\'s tion. We are deeply rooted in thesewhat I try to pass on to my children towns and are passionate about being especially my daughters. Don\'t ever a valuable resource to our neighbors. give up. There is always a solution.Susie Adamson & Bonnie Ramsey Yayine MelakuKeller Williams The Y Group518 Millburn Avenue, Short Hills 973.229.2492973.991.9954 | adamsonramsey.com themignoteonsecond.com32/ matters magazine / fall 2021'