b'theyalsowantedto use a lot of things they already owned, which were contemporary. They landed at Art Deco.Josephwastalk-ing to me about ani-mal prints and glamor andthatswhereit ledus,remembers theirdecoratorAmre GriffinofRienuIn-teriors.Outwent thewhitewalls;in came a dark eggplant purpleinthedin-ingroom,navyblue inthekitchen,and powderblueinthe sweeping living room. The mural continues up the stairs with a scene that runsOut went the neutral through South Orange history, ending with a picture of thecouches; in came ani-Mountain House Spa that once stood very near where this house does now, beckoning visitors to come for the healingmal print rugs, glossy waters offered by the stream.sideboards,elaborate lights and bouquets of before they closed, they had their dec- soft feathers. oratorwalkthroughthehousewithI have to be honest with you, says them,envisioningwhattodowithGriffin.Mostpeoplecantpullthat the space. They had originally thoughtlook off. Her clients, happily, are the they wanted to do something in theexception.Itreallyvibeswiththeir styleofEnglishcountryhouses,butpersonality, she says.Shegetsherway,Hilljokes. Sometimes we put up a fight, but she always gets her way.Whitener also included an illustration of Powell and Hill with their dogs.14/ matters magazine / hearth + home 2023'